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How to get pregnant – Baby Making Sex

Here we come to the heart of the matter: How do you actually make a baby? You have sex, of course. Yes, you should try to predict your ovulation through your cycle tracker, but if you and your partner don’t take care, then your goal can’t be achieved.

Obviously, it only takes one time to create a baby. However, to maximize your chances of conceiving, it’s best to have intercourse at least a few times during your fertile time. After reading this book, you are aware of the infertile moments of your cycle.

However, it is a good idea to be sexually active throughout the cycle. Why?

1) The frequency of ejaculation can help improve sperm motility. It is not recommended that your partner refrain from ejaculating for more than a week.
2) Trying to conceive can be stressful for both of you. If you are only intimate to have a baby, then you are putting undue pressure on the few times you do have sex. Your partner may find it difficult to a) get or keep an erection, or b) ejaculate. To avoid these situations, have sexual intercourse throughout your cycle. Also, if you are having trouble predicting ovulation, this strategy will maximize your chances of success.


Yes, I realize you know how to have sex. However, try to think of this as a baby having sex. It must be a little different from her normal activities. Of course, just by having sex, she can get pregnant, but if she follows some of these tricks of the trade, it will increase her chances.

Many believe that making babies should be fun and spontaneous. Yes, you can have fun, but spontaneity should be reserved for your infertile moments. Making babies requires planning to increase your chances of conceiving. After all, if you wanted to be spontaneous, you wouldn’t be reading this book.

sperm count

Sperm count is a key factor in conception. Total count, concentration, motility, abnormalities, etc. are all components of semen analysis (S/A). If your partner has been tested, then you are one step ahead of most couples. If your partner hasn’t been tested, then it’s best to assume a normal sperm count early in your journey to try to conceive.

Normal sperm count

It is necessary for your partner to increase his sperm count before starting the gestation process of the baby. A three-day abstinence period goes a long way in ensuring that there will be enough concentration and quantity of sperm to do the job. Remember that abstinence excludes all forms of ejaculation: oral sex, masturbation, intercourse, etc.

After your partner “suffers” during this three-day period, have sex every day. However, be sure to schedule intercourse at least 24 hours apart. Your partner needs this time to “refuel.” This means that you do need to schedule your intimacy times. Pick a time of day when you are free and unfettered.

Mona and her husband, Mike, decide that 10 pm is the best time to have sex with babies. At this time, they are usually settling down to watch the news. They are relaxed and have finished all the tasks and activities for the day. In addition, they have a sufficient amount of time and do not need to rush.

Mike and Mona’s schedule:
1) They have sex on Monday night.
2) Mike then abstains until 10 pm Thursday night.
3) The couple then engage in baby sex every night at 10pm Thursday through Sunday.
4) Mona’s chart shows a probable ovulation on Saturday.

Low sperm count

For a low sperm count, you should have intercourse to make babies every other day (48 hours apart) because your partner needs more time to “recharge” than a man with a normal sperm count. Refraining from ejaculating for at least three days before starting your baby’s schedule is still crucial.

Jeff has a low sperm count. He and his partner, Cara, decide that since they usually go to sleep at 11:30 p.m., they will start having encounters with their baby at 10:30 p.m.

Jeff and Cara’s schedule:
1) On Monday, Jeff masturbates. He then abstains until Thursday night (observing the three-day rule).
2) The couple have sex on Thursday, Saturday, Monday and Wednesday nights around 10:30 pm
3) The Face chart shows that ovulation is likely to occur on Tuesday.

It does not work!!

He had recommended that, in the absence of medical evidence, you assume that your partner has a normal sperm count. However, after a few failed cycles, a change can be made. She may decide to follow the low sperm count intercourse schedule, which is every 48 hours. However, you may want to try a more moderate schedule of every 36 hours. The latter could be a bit more complicated, time-wise. As a couple, you will need to find two times during the day that are free and unfettered. Obviously, this is a much easier scenario for a childless couple.

Lucy and Rob have been trying to design for four cycles. Rob hasn’t had an S/A, but they’ve assumed his count was normal, so they have sex every day. The couple decides that they would like to try the 36-hour method. Lucy needs to get up to go to work at 7 am while Rob doesn’t need to get up until 8 am. The couple decides to set the alarm at 6:15 am and have sex with babies. They know that they will also have to have sex around 7 pm, some 36 hours later. This is also a good time for them because it is after dinner.

Lucy and Rob’s schedule:
1) They have sex on Saturday morning.
2) Rob abstains until Tuesday morning (observing the three-day rule).
3) The couple then have sex at these times: 6:15 am Tuesday, 7 pm Wednesday, 6:15 am Friday, and 7 pm Saturday.
4) Lucy’s graph shows that ovulation is likely to occur on Friday.

NOTE: If you have sex every day, then it is very important to allow 24 hours between “sessions”, giving your partner time to recover his sperm count. If you’re following a 36 or 48 hour schedule, it won’t be a problem to be a couple of hours late.


Practice makes perfect. It’s much easier to plan the timing and frequency of your intercourse when you’ve signed up for at least two cycles (three or more is better) because then you’ll have an idea of ​​your personal pattern. You will want to know at what point in your cycle you usually ovulate. This doesn’t mean you have to say, “I ovulate on day X of my cycle.” Although this is ideal, it is not realistic for you to ovulate on the exact same day of your cycle each month. You are more likely to be able to set a range: “I will probably ovulate sometime between cycle day X and cycle day Z.

It is ideal to participate in at least two labor meetings before the ovulation date, to try to ensure fertilization.

Oh day is the best day???

Many women think that if they have sex on the day of ovulation, they will have done everything possible. This is a misconception for three reasons:

1) Many women find that their peak day (last day of fertile-quality cervical fluid (CF)) actually occurs the day before ovulation. Since fertile-grade CF is the best mode of transport for sperm, it would stand to reason that your peak day would be the best day to have sex with babies.
2) Many women start drying out on the day of ovulation. Sticky CF or no CF will be a major hindrance to sperm motility.
3) It is better for the sperm to be in the fallopian tubes before the egg is released. Sperm can take hours to reach the fallopian tubes. Unless you know the exact time you’re going to ovulate, having sex on the day of ovulation can be an unpredictable prospect.

So if peak day is the best day, what then? Obviously, if you have sex every day, then reaching peak day is not a problem. If you have sex every other day, it can be tricky. Do your best to include the peak day, but don’t worry if you can’t. Remember that sperm can live for five to six days in fertile-quality fluid. If you have two days of egg white CF and have sex on one of them, then it’s gold. Even if you miss egg white day, but make it to CF creamy day, you’ll still have a great chance.


Many women want to know what is the best position to have sex with a baby. There are two that I prefer, missionary and back entry. The one position you definitely want to avoid is woman on top. The problem with this position is simply gravity. When your partner ejaculates while you are on top, there is a greater chance that the sperm will leak out. Missionary is usually the preferred position, but rear entry has the distinct advantage of depositing sperm closer to the cervix.

NOTE: Rear entry can be more of a disadvantage if your partner ejaculates too deeply, creating a pool of sperm behind your cervix. To minimize this risk, your partner should back off a bit just before he ejaculates.

Recline is Divine

After intercourse, it is preferable that you lie on your back for at least 15 minutes with your hips elevated. This practice will give the sperm time to begin their journey down the fallopian tubes without having to fight against gravity. To elevate your hips, place a pillow under your bottom. Ask your partner to turn on the TV for you, or better yet, use the time to talk about your day with your partner. 15-30 minutes is all it takes to allow the sperm to get a head start.

Do you have a tilted uterus?

20% of women have a tilted uterus. This means that the uterus tilts forward or backward (anteflexion or retroflexion). Having a tilted uterus does not decrease your chances of conceiving. Actually, it is considered to be similar to being left-handed. However, you can improve your chances by engaging in rear-entry sex. Also, it is recommended that instead of lying on your back for 15 to 30 minutes after intercourse, you lie on your stomach. Place a pillow under your upper thigh to elevate it.

things to avoid

1) Saliva: can kill sperm. It is better not to have oral sex before having sex.
2) Some commercial lubricants: many of them will lower your chances of conceiving. If you must use lubrication, real egg whites are ideal. Also, a new product, Pre~Seed Intimate Moisturizer, has received rave reviews from women, so it may be worth a try.
3) Woman on top position: should be avoided at the time of ejaculation.
4) Get up immediately after intercourse: If possible, give the sperm time to travel by lying down afterwards.

Happy baby making!

Visit the official Baby Making 101 website today: How to get pregnant
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