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How to make a Twitter bot in five minutes

Twitter is a faster growing social media website that has some cool features that make it completely different from other social media websites. One of the great features is Twitter bots, which are real bots that help you work for you while offline as a personal assistant.

These bots can do so many things like check grammar, follow users, retweet, and even DM, which is great, right? You can ask these bots and they will answer you like Google Assistant and Siri. But you have to ask them in the perfect way! Otherwise, they did not respond. For that, you must create Twitter Bots and configure it.

These bots can bookmark or retweet tweets automatically if they match certain criteria. You have to define criteria so that bots can easily follow your commands. You can also set up automatic reply when someone follows you or sends you a direct message. You will see on Twitter while you follow some prestigious brands or famous people! After following them, you will automatically receive a direct message like “Thanks for following us!”

The best part about these bots is that you don’t need to code or anything, you can easily set up Twitter Bots in 1-2 minutes.

How to create your own Twitter bot?

These bots really work on a basic principle, you have to specify a keyword and choose an action and then the bots will find all the tweets that match a particular keyword and perform the action. So it is so simple and you can also create these bots yourself without any code.

For that, you must create an account on Twitter. If you have one, log in with your username, make sure this account works like a bot. Now go to, log in with your account and create a Twitter app. Provide the name of the application and the appropriate description and insert your website URL. Accept the terms and conditions, the terms of the developer submit the form.

Now your Twitter app is ready, but by default the permission is Read & Write, which means your bots can only read tweets and write tweets, but cannot send direct messages. [Direct Message] To anybody. The Facebook Messenger Like widget for the website allows customers to send you text messages. That makes it easy for you. So you need to change the permission for that, click Modify app permission and change it to Read, write and access direct messages.

Now, you must need access keys and tokens to configure Twitter bots. For that, click on Create my access token. Twitter will generate some keys and tokens.

How to configure Twitter bots?

Open and the Twitter Bots app will open. Enter the keys and the token that we created previously. Now, enter a keyword or some task that you want to assign to the bots. If you want to send direct messages to your new follower using bots, enter their Twitter account username in the Twitter search box. Choose an action, DM Followers and enter the message you want to give to your new followers. Once you’re done, click Save and mark it if you want. Now your Twitter account is running like a bot. You can ask these bots to take any action and they will respond to you like Google Assistant and Siri. You can create only one bot in the free account, but if you want to take more actions for that, you have to buy the premium version.


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