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How to remove carpet stains

Staining your carpet can be daunting, but you’ll be relieved to know that most stains can be removed with the right procedures and products. The sooner you treat a spill or accident, the better your chances of reducing the damage and being able to successfully remove the stain. When you buy a new carpet, cleaning instructions are often included and it would be wise to file this information where you can easily refer to it as soon as a mishap occurs.

When a spill or accident occurs, pick up the solid matter immediately and then use dry white paper towels or clean washcloths to absorb the liquid. Blot up spill from the outside working inward; do not rub or rub the stain, as this can inadvertently set it. After hand drying, place a clean towel over the stain and weigh it down with a heavy object to remove as much of the liquid as possible.

Stain remover

Commercial stain removers are available at your local grocery, hardware, or home improvement store. Check the label for your specific type of stain; some are specifically formulated for wine, coffee, or pet stains. Certain household products can remove specific stains; For example, you can treat a red wine stain immediately after blotting it with club soda to remove the stain from the carpet fibers. Coffee and tea stains can be removed with dishwashing liquid; mix it in a small container with water and blot the stain, then rinse and blot. One part white vinegar mixed with two parts water can also be used to remove coffee, tea, or food stains.

Always test any stain remover or home remedy in an inconspicuous spot and examine the treated area for color changes or discoloration. If you do not notice any adverse effects, carefully follow label directions for specific stain treatment instructions, repeating as recommended until stain is successfully removed.

Remedies for tough stains

Grease, ink, tar and blood stains are more difficult to remove and brake cleaner or dry cleaning solution may work better than store-bought stain removers. Brake cleaner is designed to remove grease and chemical residue, and dry cleaning solution is formulated to remove other tough stains. Apply a small amount of either solution to a clean cloth and blot the stain. If pet stains and odors are your problem, your local pet supply store offers enzymatic cleaners that can remove stains and odors; however, you will need to treat the pad just as well as the carpet.

Steam cleaners and vacuum products

A steam cleaner is a good appliance to have on hand, especially if you have children and/or pets. You’ll find handheld models as well as larger models similar to an upright vacuum. You can use them to clean stains as they occur and also for routine cleaning of your carpets and upholstery. A wet/dry shop vac is also useful for picking up wet spots; Once the fluid is removed, you can follow up with a shop/vacuum to rinse the affected area and vacuum up any remaining moisture. There are also several products on the market that can be applied and scrubbed into dried spots and vacuumed up; its effectiveness depends on the severity of the stain and how long it has been in the carpet.


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