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How to travel with your bike on an adventure

You must be an adventure enthusiast if you are thinking of embarking on it with your bike. It’s a big step, especially if you’re not the type to get caged into what seems normal by taking a car. Even if you’re a seasoned cyclist, deciding to bike on an adventure will require extensive preparation and research compared to preparing a car or simply taking a plane. This article is intended to provide you with a guide to things to keep in mind as you prepare to start enjoying the scenery at your own pace.

Have your bike inspected first or have a professional do it for you. Whether you have the best sub-300 mountain bike or the best sub-200 mountain bike, safety is paramount. You need to feel as safe as possible on your bike. Confirm that your helmet is ready and that it is the correct one so as not to block your view. If you plan to ride at night, have a light mounted on your helmet and on your bike. Make sure it is sharp enough for other bicyclists and drivers to see you clearly. Take your bike for a long distance test ride. This will help eliminate some of the doubts you may have about security.

Check your map carefully, this will help you become familiar with your surroundings, expected terrain and traffic. Research the weather conditions you can expect and note places where you can shelter in case of an emergency. The most important thing is to make sure you do your research and feel comfortable when it comes to the safety of that place.

If you’re serious about traveling with your bike, at a minimum, make sure you know how to adjust your seat and change your tire in the event of a flat. Even if you’ve already marked bike shops on your map, these basics will save you a lot of time not to mention money. You can imagine if your tire blows out in the middle of nowhere and you have to transport it to a technician. Not an exciting detour you were expecting, right?

Also, know how to adjust the saddle to the proper height; sure you have to be comfortable driving and adjust the brakes accordingly too. Knowing how to tighten bolts or replace a slipped chain is just as important.

Remember to bring the right tools with you for these types of issues. Examples of such tools are pedal wrenches, pumps, tire levers.

If you plan to ride your bike, you need a helmet, wrench, and map to confirm where the trail takes you. You can also pack a backup tire and a bike pump.

The most important thing is that you bring your phone, a backup battery or portable charger, and identification. Unfortunately, accidents happen and you may need to contact a friend or family member for help. And an ID card will help identify you just in case. Equally important, set aside money for an emergency that you can easily access.

At some point, you may need to pack your bike for a flight or other transportation, so make sure you have a bike bag. Below is a guide on how to pack a bike:

• Deflate tires but not completely

• Remove the handlebars and fix them to the frame; otherwise, turn them to the side.

• Remove or lower the seat

• You can remove the wheels well.

• Make sure everything is snug, most bags have different fits that are suitable for your bike parts. Adjust them and fasten them with straps.

Cycling requires a lot of energy, especially for a long distance, and burns a lot of calories. You surely don’t want to get tired with fatigue, so pack healthy snacks to keep you energetic all the time. Don’t forget to stay hydrated. Dehydration smells like doom for your adventure with an accompanying headache, so carry plenty of water and drink as often as you need.

Lastly, pack appropriate clothing. It’s helpful to check the weather forecast first to know what kind of dress code you’ll need. But, try to make sure you pack light clothing; Even if you’re traveling late at night, buy a light jacket.

You can’t afford to let physical discomfort get the best of you. Push yourself a little harder if you exercise regularly. If exercise isn’t the norm for you, hit the gym or set aside enough hours to ride your bike. Take on similar terrain if possible, this will help you get a feel for what the bike ride will entail and build your confidence.

Finally, have fun on your adventure! Don’t be ashamed, go ahead and ride your bike on your well-deserved adventure.


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