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Hypnosis: the myth and the truth about an ancient art of hypnotism

Hypnosis seems to be an ancient art, there are records of hypnotic techniques used in Egyptian temples, in the temples of Greek oracles, in the Roman Empire as well and beyond. Used wisely, hypnosis offers the fastest and most reliable set of tools to help people make positive changes in their lives, simply put, it opens doors within your unconscious to bring back or places you don’t normally have access to. . More and more therapists and health professionals turn to it to successfully combat all known human dependencies or healthy problems.

So as a hypnotic technique… anesthesia glove – it can completely numb a part of the body in case of an accident, hypnosis is known for the ability to control pain, produce strange things like hallucinations – it can change the perception of time, learn new skills more quickly, etc. – or access memories that you would not otherwise have access to. From companies to academic institutions, people under hypnosis have much better problem solving skills, such as creativity and even basic things can be improved with this art, such as smoking or weight control, overcoming fears or phobias, increasing confidence and even concentration. or memory.

Hypnotic abilities are not only fascinating, but very practical tools to improve everyone’s life. But as a hypnotist you need to understand what you can achieve and who has the limits, how much is possible with that. Of course, hypnosis is not the answer to all problems, there will always be limits just like those around us in life, in nature, in the entire universe. People’s habit is to exaggerate things that they don’t know too much, that’s how the myths about hypnotic mind control, or sleep, or memory loss were known; from being trapped in hypnosis, or as a revealer of a dark secret… The essential thing is to choose the right teacher for you.

“Even after 40 years of studying hypnosis, I am impressed with Ledochowski’s contribution to the field.” – Dr. Daniel Araoz

(American Board of Professional Hypnosis, Professor of Mental Health Counseling at Long Island University, Director Emeritus of the Ericksonian Hypnosis Institute of Long Island) – is just one example, what a senior member of the Ericksonian Foundation has said about the groundbreaking work by Igor Ledochowski – a well-known psychiatrist, just published by Clifford Mee, the author of “The Power of Conversational Hypnosis”, a generous course containing:

o 12 CDs as main MP3 program

or 4 bonus CDs as MP3

o 4 special shots of conversational hypnosis

o The 600+ page manual and full transcripts

“Choosing the right teacher”: to have access to the mysterious art of hypnosis it is necessary to learn from the great teachers, people with tens of years of experience behind them, who will reveal the master keys, the tools, the right formula for you. When you hear the first words for a deep trance: “Go ahead, close your eyes and sink into hypnosis, deeper and deeper; relaxed into a state of more than hypnotic awareness…” to be sure that any risk will be avoided, the whole process will be safe, for your own mental and physical benefit.


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