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Ideas that don’t work well

Sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking that our ideas will lead us to happiness and success. There is a popular expression that says: “Insanity is when you do the same things over and over again expecting a different result.” If you want different results, you have to do things differently and that starts with thinking differently.

Here are some of the concepts that could be preventing you from feeling and feeling better:

  1. People will change because they love me – The sad news is that people don’t change until life doesn’t work for them anymore. It’s not about you or how much they love you. They continue to make bad decisions even if they are ruining their health and future until they get to the point where they are ready to do the hard things that will put them out of their pain.
  2. Rules were made to be broken: Rules and laws were made not only to protect society, but also to protect anyone who is tempted to break the rules. They are guidelines that offer security for all.
  3. It’s someone else’s fault that I’m unhappy – Happiness is a choice. You can’t change other people or their behaviors and it certainly doesn’t help to blame others for your upset or bad mood. Over the years, I have had many clients who have been through horrible experiences but smile and adopt a satisfied state of mind. Others have more blessings than they can count and are miserable. It’s about choice.
  4. My way is correct: there are many ways to “fight a cat”. Just because you have a plan doesn’t mean it will work for everyone else.
  5. If I wish hard enough, things will get better: change requires action. It takes time and energy to make a positive change.
  6. Avoiding trouble is a good solution: If you don’t open your mail, pay your bills, or file your income tax, you’ll face additional interest and penalties, as well as stress. It’s a good idea to avoid spending time with people who make bad decisions, but avoiding things you’re responsible for will only bring pain down the road.
  7. The world is a mess and I need to be “in the know” – you only get one vote when it comes time to vote. Your influence is limited with respect to society and world events. Turn off the television and stop letting the media ruin your day with stories of sadness and destruction that it can’t fix.
  8. I am responsible for my adult children – When your son or daughter reaches the age of majority they are classified as adults. Privacy policies prevent you from accessing information about them from health or justice services. The fact that you have raised your child does not mean that you have to get him out of the problems that he has created for himself. And remember, worry doesn’t help. In fact, worry only deteriorates your well-being.
  9. Other people should take care of me: we are never disappointed unless we have expectations. If you are thinking that your government or your family will take care of you, you may well be very disappointed. It is your responsibility to take care of your own health, residence and financial situation.
  10. I have a lot of time – Procrastination is an enemy. It’s too late to make good money choices and stop overspending when you’re broke. Waiting until you’re hospitalized to think about losing weight, exercising, and making healthy food choices is more difficult than starting before your body is compromised.

Entering a new year is an excellent time to examine the ideas and values ​​you have. In fact, today is the best time to challenge them and make a firm commitment to embark on a different path.


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