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Is it a mistake to add organic foods to your clean eating diet?

Are you one of the many people who are getting great results from eating healthy?

It doesn’t matter if your clean eating diet is very strict or even quite lax, you’re probably like most of us who like the idea of ​​eating clean. We enjoy the vital energy we get from it.

The feeling of glowing inner and outer health that we get from avoiding food additives soon makes us think of increasing power.

It’s pretty much the same with anything we love to do, isn’t it?

We want more and we want to know more about it. That’s what happens with me, anyway.

And the more I read, the more it strikes me how difficult it is to avoid cooking and feeding your family with contaminated food…unless you grow it yourself to make sure it’s growing in clean soil free of chemicals and others. environmental pollutants. And it never comes in contact with plastics!

But who has the time, skill, and space to be able to do that with all the food you eat? I don’t.

So it’s not long before we start thinking about buying organically grown food. Unpolluted and more nutritious, right?

Well, it turns out that switching to a clean, organic diet because of its higher nutritional value may be a mistake. A mistake you should think about.

Many of my friends want to know about organic food and clean eating; They want to know if I think clean eating is imperative to a true diet.

They’re already avoiding processed foods, so why organic for clean eating? You can be exactly like my friends: very cautious about anything that can be irradiated or treated to prolong life. They buy fresh local produce but is it enough…or too much?

Should we all switch from clean eating to organic only?

The surprising facts about organic food and clean eating

Most people seem to accept that organic is better for you than food grown using modern farming techniques, but why so much?

What does organic really mean?

If that’s something you’ve been wondering, maybe it’s time to take a closer look at the story behind the image of organic food.

Some of us probably buy organic without knowing the difference between organic food and “regular” food. There’s no real problem in doing it if you’re doing it simply to take care of your health, but there’s a subtle risk when you don’t have a stronger reason for doing it.

The downside of eating organic

You may be surprised when I tell you that there is a downside to buying organic. And it’s not the price.

Unless your decision to buy organic is based on sound principles, your commitment and determination will fade. And that’s particularly true if you’re only doing it because you think organic foods are somehow healthier than other foods.

After a while, you’ll probably get tired of paying a premium for organic, especially when you don’t have a solid understanding of exactly why you’re doing it.

Without that solid understanding of the benefits of organic, you risk mindlessly reverting to mass-grown foods.

And if you think the benefit of organic is all about nutrition, think again.

There has been no scientific evidence to show that organic foods are more nutritious than non-organic. No, the big “why” revolves around a significant negative.

That negative aspect is simply the fact that traditionally grown foods harm our bodies. But don’t worry… I’m going to give you some great tips that will save you money, help you avoid the dangers of food, and improve your health and well-being.

What’s wrong with mass-grown food?

I don’t have to tell you that modern farming methods use ridiculously powerful pesticides to reduce crop loss. We all know that they would use a nuclear bomb against the insects that eat their crops, if it only left a crop that they could sell.

That sounds pretty theatrical, but you also know that they already use radiation to extend the life of their harvested produce, the food they want us to buy and eat.

And let me tell you, that is one of the main reasons that led me to adopt a clean eating lifestyle. For me, losing weight and maintaining a healthy body size is just a byproduct of the benefits of eating healthy. You may disagree.

We know that food manufacturers use additives and processing methods to extend the shelf life of the products they sell. Then they have to color it so buyers can’t see how bad it looks when it gets old.

This is how they make money.

But it’s not just the big food factories that handle our food. Farmers also use a wide range of techniques and chemicals to increase yields and counter diseases that result from their interference with natural growth.

Chemicals, lethal pesticides, antibiotics, etc., are already in the farm produce before it even leaves the farm.

So every time we eat that food, all those additional non-food items enter our body.

New diseases and various health problems arose, and it became increasingly clear that these chemicals were harming us.

You and I don’t think it’s very smart to keep eating like this, so let’s decide it’s time for a change. What is the best place to get organic food?

Where to buy organic products at safe prices

These days most supermarkets have an organic section, but I have always found it to be quite small and overpriced. The problem I find with “organic” commercial products is that I have to trust sellers to say that they really are organic. And I am also opposed to plastic packaging.

You probably know of special natural food stores near you that stock and sell organic foods along with other delicacies. Those stores likely have the widest selection of organic foods for you to choose from. However, as I said before, it will be a bit expensive.

If you want to save money (and I know we all would), there are a few things you can do. First, you have to opt for seasonal foods. They are almost always cheaper because they don’t need to travel as far to get to you, which means they can also be fresher.

Second, opt for local crops. I like to support our local businesses as much as I can; keeps more money in our community. Many good stores have some locally sourced foods; sometimes the farm is just down the road!

Have you ever been picking strawberries? It is fun! You go to the farm and they let you pick your own strawberries straight from the plants. You can save some money and it’s a great way to put your kids to work too.

And speaking of going straight to the farm, there are probably quite a few in your town, even if it’s a small one. They give you something wonderful…

Farmers markets! Clean and Organic Food

Farmers markets are the holy grail of grocery shopping. You can’t always shop at just one market, as you may have to wait for the seasons to change, but when you can, it’s a gold mine.

You can find many things for half the price of the supermarket or health food store.

Producers cut out the middlemen, so you get lower prices. You see the biggest difference with organic and free-range foods like beef, chicken, eggs, and produce.

But that’s not all you can do at a farmers market. While supermarkets let you try test recipes and then sell you the ingredients to make them, farmers will also give you nice, clean tips and recipes. They also want you to use the products from their crops, but believe me, they will have a lot of real life experience and traditional suggestions for you. Organic recipes for clean eating and things you can’t get from part-time staff.

Then there’s the fact that many of your neighbors and friends will probably be there with you at the farmer’s market, so it’s a great time for conversation and gossip, just like neighborhood shopping in the old days. If you’re like me, you can’t go shopping without bumping into someone you know.

If you like to eat clean and want to go completely organic, then finding your nearest farmer’s market is a must. It’s like being a kid in a cheap candy store, and if you have kids, you know what that’s like.

I used an earlier analogy about unhealthy diets leading to future health problems; I can also use smoking as another example. Cigarette companies still tell us that there is no harm in smoking!

In both examples we do not see immediate effects on us, but we all know that they will arise in the future.

That’s why we’re here, trying to eat clean every day so we can be healthier, so we can live our lives longer and take care of our families. If you want to eat healthy and avoid processed foods, that’s great, but you still need to be aware of other dangers.

We don’t eat organic food “just because”. There is a real danger to avoid, lab modifications to seeds, fertilization with treated human waste, hormones, chemicals, dyes, preservatives, and obscure additives that creep into processed foods.

Over time, you will notice the damage these chemicals do to your body, so I wanted to educate you on “why” we eat organic and how you can do it cheaper than you think.

I wanted to make sure you knew the reasons why we eat organic so you can keep your family safe.

Life is short enough, we don’t need to make it shorter.

If you enjoyed or even learned something useful, please share this article with your friends or visit my site for recipes and help on eating healthy.


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