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Itchy Scratching Dog – Atopic Dermatitis

Unfortunately, this is the most frustrating of all dog itch problems, both for vets and owners. Atopic dermatitis is essentially an allergy to pollen, house dust mites and spores. It is a recurring problem that drives dogs and dog owners crazy. It can be very difficult to differentiate atopic dermatitis from a food allergy, as the symptoms are often identical.

One way to do this is by the historical age of onset. It is extremely rare for atopic dermatitis to develop in the first year of life. Atopic dermatitis usually begins between 18 months and two years of age.

The skin is extremely dry and skin dandruff is a feature. The rashes occur on the hairless areas of the skin, such as the feet, armpits, belly, and groin. This self-mutilation leads to many complications, such as infections and sores. Ear infections are also common.

Atopy is such a debilitating disease that it is imperative, for the good of the dog, that treatment is sought. Such a dog requires a proper management plan to control outbreaks and reduce the animal’s exposure to allergens.

There have been some major advances in the treatment of atopic dogs recently. Many of the discoveries of the last 12 months have opened some windows for the domestic management of these animals.


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