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Join Or Not Join

We Americans love affiliations and endorsements; The Good Housekeeping seal, Better Business Bureau, etc. They give credibility to a business or product. They assure us that our chosen product or service has received some form of validation from a higher authority.

Martial arts are no different. Look at most of the generic articles titled “how to choose a good martial arts school”. One piece of advice you will see often is to look for a school that is affiliated with an “accredited organization.”

Being a member of a martial arts association has many benefits. Some martial arts schools are part of a franchise. This means that they are affiliated with a larger company that has licensed their name and methodology for a fee. The advantage here is name recognition along with some management assistance.

Another advantage is that martial arts associations set curricula and provide rank certification. They establish governing boards that promote the art and control quality. They give smaller schools recognition and the appearance of being “official” because they are linked to a larger group. The associations organize tournaments, camps and special events. They provide their members with networking opportunities and may also maintain a website with links to their affiliates.

Martial arts associations are wonderful marketing tools in a culture that loves the stamp of approval. Many websites warn you to be wary of an unaffiliated school because they may not follow a set curriculum and their credentials could be in question.

Well, I’m here to give you another caveat: membership in associations, organizations, or affiliations will not necessarily guarantee you good martial arts instruction. There are many dedicated and competent martial arts instructors who are fed up with the politics of some martial arts associations and have decided to remain independent or break away.

There is also a financial component to being part of an association. Schools pay dues to join the association. Students are often required to pay initial membership dues to the association and are charged by these entities for rank advancement or testing fees. Also, some schools have to shell out thousands of dollars to have some “teacher” come to affiliated member schools and give special seminars. Students are pressured to attend and have to pay for these seminars in addition to their monthly or yearly fee.

Rather than placing too much importance on association membership, the best way to choose a school is to ask around in your community. Very often, several schools will be recommended. Word of mouth is usually the best advertising.

Find out how long they have been in business. Go to each school and ask to see a class. Talk to the instructor. Do you like his teaching style? The fact that this instructor may or may not be affiliated with an organization may not be important. Don’t dismiss school just because you don’t see a wall full of credentials. Membership in external organizations does not always ensure quality.


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