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Labrador Puppy Training – Training Labs

The Labrador retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States, as well as in many other countries around the world. Labradors exhibit many qualities that make them excellent pets and do not require as much behavioral training as other dogs. That being said, Labradors certainly need to be trained to some degree, and they can become quite a nuisance if not properly trained. In this article, we’ll take a look at some Labrador traits that you can use to your advantage while training them, as well as some Labrador puppy training tips.

Training Labrador puppies is easier than with most dogs, because Labradors are by nature well-meaning and eager to please. They are excellent with both children and other dogs, and are extremely gentle on both play and teeth. Labradors can carry an egg in their mouth without breaking it! That being said, they love to chew, and many Labradors can make a mess of your home if they aren’t taught what to chew and what not to chew. However, Labradors are also highly intelligent dogs and can be taught most commands with simple positive reinforcement through treats and praise, and negative reinforcement through scolding.

The best way to use positive and negative reinforcement is right after or even while the puppy has done something it likes or dislikes. For this reason, many people use a dog training clicker when training their Labrador retriever, as this will allow them to tell the dog that what he is doing at the time of the click is the cause of the scolding or treat. So, if you catch your Lab puppy trying to escape the yard, don’t hesitate to scold him. However, if you find your Lab puppy outside the yard, scolding it will only confuse it. It’s important to remember that patience is the best virtue to practice during puppy training, as some puppies learn faster than others.

Once you’ve developed some ground rules for your pup, you can try teaching him commands. Labrador puppy training is a great way to get your dog to follow basic household rules, but since Labradors are such smart dogs, they can be taught a number of different tricks. Try a few different ways to teach your pup, as each dog adapts more quickly to different types of training techniques.


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