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Life Coaching for Teens: Section III – Part IV – Creating a 5 Year Life Action Plan

Turn your passion into an action plan: How to create a 5-year life action plan?

A quick review

Before we start developing a life plan, let’s take a look at what you’ve learned from the Life Coaching for Teens guide:

1. In the first section, you discovered the fundamental cornerstones necessary for your life’s journey; primarily discovering his identity and purpose.

2. Then you learned The Top 12 Virtues for Teens, foundational virtues that build strong character for the journey ahead.

3. Finally, you have discovered and defined your life mission, now you can take charge of your future and live with courage.

What is a Life Plan?

A life plan is simply a road map that shows “where” you are going during a specific period of time, so you can get there with a minimum amount of stress. Many people take life for granted, thinking that “luck” and “fate” will safely guide them to fulfill their life dreams. Although you may have heard of “lucky” stories in the past, or of people who have made it big by winning the lottery; these stories are few and not worth betting your life on. It would be wise to have a strategy for your life as a motto.

Before starting your life plan

What should you take into account before starting a life plan? The virtual world of the Internet is full of advice. You can Google the words “Life Plan” and you will find various opinions on the subject. Here are some general guidelines for you to consider:

1. Identity: Do you have clarity of purpose? Do you know the “why” of your life? Example: Who am I? What am I doing here? What am I called to do in life?

2. Character: Have you cultivated (or are you cultivating) the character necessary to run the race with confidence? Do you have the moral qualities to withstand difficulties? In other words, can you believe in yourself and your life mission even when there is contradiction?

3. Innate gifts: Since your gifts and passions are road signs to direct you, consider them in your life planning. For example, if you’re good at math and science, getting a degree in “literature” may not be a good choice.

4. Passion: Does your life reflect consistency of attitude and vigor? Remember that passion is a strong belief in yourself and what you are doing; it is “moving on” even in difficult times.

When these four cornerstones are evident in your life… then life planning is easy. In fact, a person who shows these four pillars is already moving forward and confidently knows where he is going. Then he can start life planning.

life planning

Consider a 5-year plan instead of a longer version. At first, I recommend a short planning cycle. The reason for this is that you are just starting out, so the foundation of your life is critical. College, career, where you live, and who you marry are all important choices that require deep thought. Here is the common roadmap that students choose after high school:

has. Attending school

b. Worked

against Join the Armed Forces

d. Travel the world for a year.

me. A combination of the above. For example, some young people join the army because they can travel the world…others go to university in another country for a year to experience the culture first hand.

A life planning path

A 5-year plan will take you through a critical stage in your life. If you are fourteen years old, a life project will take you through your high school years. If you’re 18, a five-year life plan will see you through college. Do you feel like you have the direction you need for these five crucial years of your life?

Components of a Life Plan:

1. Get a vision for your future – what does the future look like for you?

A vision can include your dreams, hopes, and aspirations. You have to know your destiny. A vision is to see the horizon in the distant mountain. Although weak in appearance, you know where you are going. The vision is the “big picture”, like getting a Business degree and starting your own business after college, which takes around 5 years.

2. Set Goals to Achieve Your Vision – Steps to reach your destination.

A goal is slightly different than your vision. A goal is a big step in fulfilling your vision, just like which business school to attend, how many years it will take you to complete your degree. A goal is the steps you take to complete a goal, three campuses visited so you can make a better decision, complete your application, and how many classes to take per term.

has. Set long-term goals first: You need to set long-term goals first. In other words, keep the “big” picture of your life in mind, and then follow the short-term goals.

b. The short-term goals are as follows: Methodical steps are critical. Example: Attend a college and then transfer to a major college or university.

3. Follow a schedule: You’ll need a visual roadmap.

You have to be adept at “calendar” and use it as a “map” to guide you through your 5-year life plan.

4. Allocation of money and resources: You will need funds and tools for the trip.

Where does your money come from? Your money can come from a combination of your savings, a part-time job, student loans, federal or state grants, scholarships, parents, transportation, budgets, etc. A resource is something like a laptop and a mentor/guide.

5. Faith, commitment and responsibility: You must believe in yourself and recruit others to do the same.

Do you have someone, a mentor, who can advise you and hold you accountable? I recommend someone mature and out of college. A partner is usually not the best accountability partner when it comes to fulfilling a life plan. It has to be someone who is involved in your life, like a parent, an older brother or sister, a mentor, a teacher, a pastor; someone you trust deeply to remind you of your mission. You have to believe in yourself and in your plan. Don’t give up, persevere!

6. Refining your life plan: Evaluate and refine your plan throughout the journey.

Life plans should be reviewed several times a year to make adjustments. During your journey within those five years other things will come up that will be advantageous to your life. During this time, you will discover more about yourself (remember the “40% yet to be discovered” part of your life), so adjustments need to be made.


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