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Long Haired Chihuahua Puppies – 4 Grooming Tips

There are many types of chihuahua breeds, from long-haired dogs with tiny short hairs, which are also similar to smooth-coated dogs that are also known as short-haired Chihuahuas. Long-haired Chihuahuas have fine, soft guard hairs that are softer to the touch. Short-haired Chihuahuas actually require little to no grooming, so you don’t have to go overboard when it comes to their daily grooming and shampooing. Just regular soap and dog shampoo is enough to keep them clean and lice free. Long-haired Chihuahua puppies, like short-haired ones, don’t actually shed as much hair as you think, but definitely more than their short-haired counterparts.

While the topic is all about puppies, you should be interested to know that it takes quite a while, up to 24 months, for puppies to develop their full, long-haired coats. Preparations will include things like preparing your house to collect hair when it falls out. It’s more of a matter of normal cleanliness, especially if there are people in the house who are sensitive to dog hair or even people with respiratory problems like asthma. It is a good idea to place a small vacuum cleaner near dogs or in places where they are known to hang around.

Also, it’s a great idea to buy a small pair of scissors, as Chihuahuas are notorious for their uneven grooming. The hairs can shed at different times, and for some owners, who want their dogs to look good, keep a small pair of relatively sharp cutting scissors on hand. These puppies and long-haired dogs also tend to accumulate a lot of lice inside their fur, so it would be a good idea to have a good anti-lice soap or shampoo. Getting rid of lice has a dual purpose. One, it keeps dogs happy and healthy, and prevents them from scratching all over the place, which means they can’t damage their fur and even scratch on occasion. It also helps keep lice from spreading all over the furniture, which can be an unpleasant byproduct of your long, shiny fur coats.

While you don’t need a lot of products to keep them healthy, you do need to prepare some shampoos and even a comb would be a good idea for them. Get a lice and mite comb, which helps scrape off excess dry skin and even lice. Caring for long-haired Chihuahuas is fairly easy, as their long fur coats are not the longest in the canine world. Their relatively tiny size also allows them to be fixed quite easily and fairly quickly, so it doesn’t take long. Talk to a vet for more tips on grooming long-haired Chihuahua puppies, too.


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