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Marketing Your Network Marketing Business Online Versus Offline Old School Marketing

I got a phone call 8 years ago and even then, I felt weird that a friend I hadn’t seen in years called me about a business opportunity. Even when she and her friend came to my house I knew what the business was and even the company.

So from the beginning there was this silence and lack of faith to just say what business they were in right away. I joined a month later, but the process I went through is just one of the reasons so many fail:

  • Create a list of people you know
  • Contact them for a meeting, but don’t tell them what the deal is about.
  • Show them the business with a 30 minute presentation
  • enroll them
  • And do this again with the new registered member.
  • And if they don’t think it’s for them, then let them start convincing
  • Branding of companies and not of you

    Yes, that’s when the stories of millionaires and the founders of the company came. As well as how easy it is and how you can build residual income.

    Constantly branding the company and its founders is dangerous. What if the company goes under and you have been promoting the company and not yourself? You’ve lost all the leads, all the hard work because everyone in your group identifies only with the company.

    Wasting too much time traveling

    In addition to this, you would go to open meetings in your city and in different cities. That meant traveling and you would return late. Sometimes at 11pm or even 2am.

    No qualifying process, but go for anyone who breathes

    As you can see, there is no qualification process here. It’s for everyone you know. But network marketing is not for everyone. Yes, anyone can do it, but not everyone who doesn’t feel like it and isn’t willing to learn how to be entrepreneurial will succeed.

    Would you do that for a business you believe in? Would you travel and make a presentation to someone who hasn’t even called, emailed to say he’s interested in owning his own business?

    Marketing Your Network Marketing Business Online

    With the internet age, you don’t need to chase anyone. You don’t need to travel miles to make a presentation to someone who might not even show up. Nor brand a company.

    Most companies, fearing the legal implications, do not want their distributors, who number in the thousands, to promote their companies online. In case of lawsuits. Therefore, they do not give power to their distributors, but the business owner can still earn.

    The entrepreneur does not need to promote the product, the companies and the founders. Instead, now it’s all about branding YOU.

  • No more 30 minute presentations on companies, products and features.
  • No more promoting the vision of these companies but yours
  • Branding yourself means gaining value, knowledge to educate, engaging your target audience online
  • No more convincing, chasing, door-to-door, or cold calling.
  • You can create an online marketing filter system that will qualify prospects. You can target your prospects and build a relationship without even traveling miles.

    The power of the internet can generate quality leads 24 hours a day and without you being around. When they qualify, they have shown desire and interest. They will even contact you or you can contact them not to make a sales pitch, but to find out what your immediate needs are.

    Now the shift has been from company manifestos to focusing on the solutions your prospects need. Your courage and leadership draw your prospects to you.

    The invitation was made by the prospects, not the business owner, inviting themselves. This gives you posture, backbone, value, and strong control over how YOU want to run your business. Not on you chasing everyone and anything that breathes.

    Today we can use:

  • Blogs that are free.
  • Upload articles and create online presence.
  • With rich, valuable content and a form for people to fill out to generate new targeted leads
  • Create targeted and automated newsletter ad campaigns.
  • Whatever you choose, online or offline; the key is to realize:

  • It’s about relationships. People are not a numbers game.
  • You can have a large list, but if they don’t respond, you have no business.
  • It’s also about working smart and having a marketing system that does the heavy lifting.
  • It’s all about targeting not targeting everyone.
  • It really is about leadership that attracts valuable prospects instead of pushing, chasing, and convincing.


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