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More romance please! How to make it more romantic

If you want your man to step up and give you some more romance, Then you are not alone. Most men do their best at the beginning of the relationship (courting, buying, fondling and flattering) and then… it’s “Get me a beer, honey, while you’re in the kitchen.” Fear not though, there are ways to make it more romantic, and they include increasing your “love quotient.”

If you want romance, you have to change the way he sees you. He may think you’re great, fun, funny, sexy, smart, and a real “trophy.” But that’s not going to make him treat you like you’re some sensitive, delicate thing that requires a gentleman to wear his “baby gloves” when he handles the beautiful creature that you are. That’s where the romance lives. The more his heart melts with the need to cherish and protect you., more romance will provide.

Now… he may want to protect you, but that doesn’t mean he appreciates you in a “sexy” way. He may want to protect his mother or his children, but if he feels that both a need to protect you and make love to you…then he appreciates you in the way I mean!

So how do you make a man want to protect you and rape you at the same time? You soften and come to your senses. You open your heart to let out your vulnerability and invite him to come here with your relaxed and available body language.

You must indulge your senses (perfumes, body lotions that caress you, eat fruits that taste delicious, listen to poetic music). Opening your senses puts you into your feminine energy and makes him want to immerse himself in your softness…literally.

So instead of complaining that he never dates you and that you need to romance yourself, focus on ROMANTICING YOURSELF. This will make you feel more sensual, pampered, praised… pampered. That energy will make him feel lust and desire for you. And…if you combine that sexiness with vulnerability (by leaning on him for emotional support), he won’t just want you, he’ll want to protect you from all the other men he’s afraid may want you.

oh man.

It is then, when you can see the same amount of lust and affection in his eyes, that you express the need to fall in love… without asking: “I miss the days of rose petals in the hot tub, honey. I could snuggle up to you right now in the hot tub and rest my warm, bare chest directly on yours for hours. Too bad we don’t do that anymore.”

Look at how quickly it gets up and pulls off the hot tub cover…and it could be mid-January.


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