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My Experiences and Healing Codes Review

As part of my rehabilitation process, I like to incorporate some quality massages. After a recent massage, when my wife walked in for her session, I was so exhausted from the release of toxins that I asked to stay on the couch because I wasn’t sure I could get to the car.

Another part of my healing process has been the Healing Codes. They correct old faulty cellular memories that block the body’s ability to heal itself. I attended a workshop where I learned the best techniques for using the codes. I witnessed transformations that I would not have believed without being in the same room. I attended another workshop as a helper and the workshop format was improved to include more custom codes and ongoing help.

As I rested on the sofa, I realized that the toxins that had been released as cellular memories were corrected, by doing the healing codes, had probably concentrated in my joints, and the massage had released them to continue its trip out of my body

Purging these toxins is an integral part of the healing process that is activated after doing the Healing Codes. When I was in the workshop, the energy of the group allowed many people to receive a quick healing without any healing reaction from the toxins leaving their bodies.

My healing was not as fast or immediate, but the fresh pimples over my damaged eye indicated that the toxins were coming out and, in fact, the pressure in my eye is higher now that health has returned. The nerves that were unresponsive due to my paralysis have improved. My stuttering is greatly reduced due to clearing out old false cell memories. The simplicity and universal benefits of the Healing Codes are big reasons I wanted to experience them for myself.


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