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Online Ticketing: 7 Secrets to Successful Online Ticketing

Online ticketing is now the most important tool in an event planner’s toolbox. Even in recent years, event organizers have stepped up their web presence for their events. I think the main reason is that they realize that people are communicating via email more than ever and that online invitations spread faster, more widely and more effectively. Given that, it’s imperative that online ticketing pages are set up to not only look great, but have the crucial elements to sell lots of tickets. Charity events should take special note because relying on the benefits committee to make the phone calls never happens.

Let me clarify. I’ve been on a lot of event committees and have first-hand experience that motivating a host committee can be a substantial challenge. Yes, everyone who signs up for the committee member job walks in with a full heart, but once they are told they must put in ten hours of cold calling friends and family, their hearts unfortunately change from full to empty.

There is one thing that most of the board, if not the entire board, is ready, willing and able to do… send an email for the event. Perfect! Really, you couldn’t ask for anything better, besides making thirty phone calls. Emailing your entire address book is huge and should drive ticket sales. The online ticketing page they submit had better look amazing and have the essential landing page features that draw repeat visitors to ticket buyers. So now that you’re convinced you must have a great page, here are the essentials.

Critical Elements of the Perfect Online Event Ticketing Page (All of these elements must be on a landing page. They must not be clicked off the page):

– Clearly indicate when and where details
– Information about the occasion or what attendees can anticipate at the event. (ie what presenters or entertainment will be there).
– Directions to the site of your function
– Photos of a previous issue or of the people or community the event is helping
– A simple and easy payment process
– Supplier logos
– Social sharing buttons

You don’t want your prospective buyer to click away from your page to find out something. That includes your organization’s mission, event details, photos, etc.

I hope you now recognize that having a boring online page can ultimately hurt your sales and knowing that email and Facebook are two of the biggest drivers should reinforce that. Take the time to create a page you can be proud of, but make sure it includes all the key elements.

Have a great event!


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