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Home Kitchen

Pet Bird Home Hazards – Keep Your Feathered Friend Safe

Interacting with a pet bird outside of its cage is one of the joys of living with a bird, but a home that is safe for us may not be safe for our feathered friends. Little everyday things that we take for granted can injure or kill a bird in the blink of an eye.

ceiling fans they are so common in homes these days that we hardly notice them. It’s easy to forget they’re even on sometimes. If your bird can fly, it can fly into the fan. Spinning blades can easily mean a quick death. When you interact with a bird outside of its cage, play it safe and turn off the ceiling fan!

Non-stick coated pans They’ve made kitchen cleanup easy, but an overheated coated pan releases fumes that are toxic to your bird. Recent studies have shown that even a moderately heated pan can emit fumes, so regular cooking can be dangerous. When cooking, make sure your bird is secure in its cage to avoid accidents, and when using non-stick pans, make sure the kitchen is well ventilated to prevent fumes from reaching your bird. Do you want to make your life and the lives of your birds even safer? Throw out the non-stick pans… steamers aren’t good for you either!

Pans, sinks, bathtubs and toilets Full of water may be attractive to your birds, but it doesn’t take a lot of water for a bird to drain. Close toilet lids when your birds are playing and if you both need to bathe… take a shower together and don’t bathe.

Non-stick coating isn’t the only inhalant that can be dangerous to your bird. you should never use aerosol sprays in any area where your bird could inhale the vapors. If you must use sprays in rooms where birds reside, remove the bird from the area and ventilate it. Once the vapors have dissipated, then it is safe to return the bird to the area. Some bird owners have reported illnesses or deaths when their birds were exposed to scented candles, perfumes, hairsprays, and even scented lotions! Be aware of the scents you use in your home and see if your bird changes behavior when any of those items are in use.

We all know that birds use their beaks to explore and play. Like puppies and kittens, electric strings May present a hazard to chewing birds. Never leave a bird unattended in an area where it might chew on string. Power still runs through electrical wires when the item in question is turned off, so don’t assume that any wire plugged in is safe.

Getting a bird’s eye view of your home and taking precautions when your feathered friend is away with you is the best way to make home sweet home a safe home for birds.


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