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Health Fitness

Probiotic Collagen Drink

Probiotic Collagen

You’ve probably seen a ton of collagen products on the shelves of your local health store. What you may not know is that probiotics are gaining in popularity, too – and rightfully so! These two powerful supplements work together to strengthen your gut-skin axis, so you can look and feel your best. Collagen’s benefits for hair, skin, and nails are well-known, but probiotics are an essential tool for maintaining a healthy microbiome. They also support immune function, improve gastrointestinal health, and boost metabolism, to name a few things.

Probiotic Collagen Drink

That’s why we created this nourishing drink to be both collagen-rich and probiotic-packed. It’s loaded with the most effective hydrolyzed fish collagen peptide, hyaluronic acid, patented probiotic Lactobacillus Casei, vitamin C, and more to deliver the perfect balance of beauty and wellness.

The probiotics in this drink are a blend of different strains that are beneficial for your gut. They include L. johnsonii, which supports protein digestion and helps maintain optimal weight. Another probiotic, L. rhamnosus, is key to your digestive microflora, and it helps reduce inflammation and promotes a healthy immune system response. Finally, bifidobacterium infantis and streptococcus thermophilus are both part of your skin’s microbiome. They help maintain a healthy pH and boost your complexion by keeping you hydrated.

Probiotic Collagen Drink

Collagen is the most abundant structural protein in our bodies and is vital for the strength of bones, tendons, ligaments, and more. But as we age, the body’s natural production of collagen begins to decline, which is why it’s especially important to take a high-quality collagen supplement to keep your skin and hair looking healthy and youthful.

Buy Probiotic Collagen Drink Online

Aside from reducing fine lines and sagging skin, collagen can also help strengthen your nails and teeth, increase bone density, and improve heart health. It even improves joint mobility and prevents oxidative stress in muscles.

Probiotics can be incredibly beneficial for your gut, but it’s important to find a high-quality probiotic that contains many different strains and a lot of colony forming units (CFUs) to get the most out of it.

Best Probiotic Collagen Drink

Our probiotic drink is packed with 10 billion CFUs of lactobacillus, which supports belly balance and gut health. This is the most beneficial strain of probiotic for you because it helps to reduce bloating, improve metabolic functions (such as insulin, blood sugar, and weight), reduce inflammatory symptoms like constipation and diarrhea, and support the overall digestive tract.


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