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Quick Weight Loss: Exercise and Diet

When you combine good nutrition and eating habits with weekly exercise, you are guaranteed to become a “fat burning machine.”

I’ll try to give it a “balance” here. He may be embarrassed at the thought of exercising, but don’t worry; You don’t have to run a 26-mile marathon every day or bench press 450 pounds 20 times. No, you just have to run a 25 mile marathon every day and bench press 425 pounds 15 times. (Okay, I’m just kidding.) Aren’t you relieved? Seriously though, I’m not going to go into too many details or complicated explanations, just some general advice and recommendations based on my own knowledge and experience. If you will combine some type of aerobic activity and muscular work, you will benefit greatly. By aerobic activity I mean walking, running, cycling, stationary bike, treadmill, stair climbing, stair climber, running in place, jumping rope, etc. By muscle-building activity, I mean lifting weights, exercise machines, and other exercises that use your own body weight, such as push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, lunges, and other variations of these exercises.

As your lean body weight increases, your metabolism also increases, both during training and at rest and recovery. This is why proper eating alone is good, but not an effective means of losing fat. Weight training increases lean body mass. Now, to clear things up, I’m not suggesting that you necessarily build muscle like a bodybuilder does. However, we all have muscle and when we build muscle we speed up our metabolic rate so that we even burn fat while resting, sleeping, eating, watching a movie (unless you’re eating all that popcorn, chips, soda, candy and hot dogs). hot), etc.

Having some form of exercise in your weekly lifestyle will benefit you in several ways. Everyone is on a different level. With some of you, your health or medical conditions may not allow you to do the hard weight lifting workouts that I do. Some of you may be involved in a particular sport that requires you to develop certain muscles or do certain exercises that will allow you to perform at your best in that sport. Some of you are too old to do what you did when you were younger. Some of you may have an injury or disability that prevents you from performing certain exercises. But no matter what your current situation is, you can and should get some form of exercise.

I have been working out with weights and participating in sports to some degree for over 30 years. I do not claim to be an expert on the subject but I do have some experience. I was coached by a former Mr. Teenage USA when I was in high school and also by a former Mr. Universe years later. It basically works the way it worked. But this may not be for you and that’s okay. If you can and you’re in good health, the fastest way to lose fat is with hard, heavy, near-failure, or near-failure workouts.

Another way to lose fat is with aerobic exercise as mentioned above. You can jog or jog on the spot. If that’s too hard at first, you can walk briskly. If that’s too hard at first, you can walk slowly. Start wherever you are, but increase the intensity when you can. You can also jump rope. How about riding a bike? If you are unable to go out regularly due to responsibilities such as childcare, work, etc. You can run in place right there, in your living room, bedroom, or even in the bathroom. You can also do some weightless exercises like push-up variations, sit-ups, chair pull-ups, lunges, etc.

Regardless of who you are and whatever your situation, you can “make it happen” if you don’t give up.


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