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The beginning of the school year is incredibly stressful. With meetings, Open House, having everything “ready”, not sleeping and many hours, it can affect you. I have found some tricks that help me at the beginning of the year.

First, plan one day at a time for the first week. You never know what will be done, how the children will cope and what will “turn up”. I plan one day at a time, so I never have to stay “too late” at the beginning of the year.

Second, don’t stress about “stuff.” When I started teaching, I was worried about all the “stuff” that the children brought. Where does it all go? When will I find time to fix it? I have learned not to worry about “stuff” because eventually everything finds a home. I put all the supplies in laundry baskets on the first day and slide them into a corner. When you save, you save…

Third, do not stay more than 1 ½ hours after the children leave for the night. don’t. You’ll just be tired the next day! Prepare your plans, materials and everything for the next day and go home. A well-rested teacher is more fun, personable, and eager to teach.

Fourth, take some time for yourself. This year on the first day of school I went to see a movie. I took 2 hours for myself. Just me. I selfish, tired, worn out, stressed. And it helped. I came home smiling and ready to come back the next day. Make sure you take at least a little time each day for yourself. Go for a walk, read a book, take a nap, take a bath, walk around the mall, anything that makes you relax.

Fifth, remember to smile. Sometimes when we are under stress, we forget to smile. Help, really.

So remember, children are the most important part of teaching, and stress comes and goes, it’s how you deal with it that makes the difference.


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