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Simple ways to increase your blog loading speed

Let me throw out a question before we start on the subject. Will it stay on a web page if it loads for more than a minute? I’m sure most of you will close the page and go to another one instead of waiting for it to load. This type of visitor loss can really affect the blog in many ways.

Google has announced that the Page Rank of a particular web page also depends on the loading speed. Therefore, it is very important that you optimize your blog.

Here are 5 simple ways to do it,

Use a slash at the end of your URL:

This is the most important thing you should do. Add a backslash to the end of all your URLs. The trailing slash will inform the server that the URL is already in the directory and there is no need to load the page separately.

Use cache plugins:

If you are using a WordPress platform, there are some caching plugins that can help you optimize your blog loading speed.

Reduce JavaScript codes:

JavaScript codes can make your blog heavy. Do not keep unused plugins in activated mode, as the JavaScript codes used in the plugin can make your Blog slow. If you still want the codes, go to Java Script Optimizer.

Optimize images:

Always get in the habit of optimizing an image when you upload it to the server as it can go a long way in increasing the loading speed of the blog. There are plenty of free online image optimizers that can get the job done.

Optimize CSS:

Cascading style sheets can also affect your blog. There are few CSS optimizers online to help you optimize the CSS used.

Here are the 5 simple ways that can also help you lower your bounce rate.


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