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Skincare Don’ts Every Girl Should Ignore

Here are some things to avoid if you want smooth, glowing skin in a short amount of time:

1. Foods to avoid:

If we start discussing a general skincare note, the conversation about unhealthy skin foods will never come to an end. Therefore, if we secrete it on a larger scale, you should bear in mind that caffeine, fatty edibles and excessive consumption of sweets can have an extremely adverse effect on the condition of your skin. Whatever you consume has a direct impact on your skin, and eating things like chips and chocolates regularly becomes the cause of constant breakouts.

2. Don’t exfoliate too much:

There is no harm in daily hydration, but when it comes to exfoliation, you need to monitor your routine so as not to overdo it. The skin needs a specific time to recover and let the cleansing and toning begin to work. If you exfoliate or use scrubs regularly, skin cells can be damaged, eventually causing redness, itching, and more.

3. Do not do makeup:

Most people find it strange to see a skin care specialist for any other problem, but professional advice can have an exceptional effect on your skin. Also, it is a well-known fact that wearing makeup on a daily basis can be harmful as the skin also needs to breathe. The pores on your face may become enlarged or clogged. Even if you have to wear makeup every day, try switching to a BB cream with an SPF above 15 to protect your skin and for a flawless makeup finish.

4. Stress and skin care:

Similar to the effect caused by the food we eat, stress works its way to the destruction of the skin. Most women have a habit of touching their faces too much when under pressure or under the influence of stress. What they don’t know is that bacteria from their hands are constantly transferred to sensitive cells on the face, which in turn causes dullness and the appearance of pimples.

5. The wrong products:

When someone talks about using the wrong products, they are saying as much about makeup as they are about generic skincare products. If you don’t use a face wash that goes with your skin type, then it won’t do your face any good. Similarly, if you have oily skin and use the wrong liquid foundation just because the color looks good, you are ruining the health of your skin. With the extreme advances in the field of beauty products, there is nothing you cannot find for your skin type.

Refrain from using products or things that are not suitable for your skin. If you experience something bad while using a product for the first time, never use it again. Eat a healthy diet to cleanse the body from the inside out.


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