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Suicide Prevention and Treatment, Part II

Suicide keep going up. Statistics are published to help manage needs, however, the statistics on this phenomenon are truly shocking.

For example, almost 30,000 Americans commit suicide annually, a number that continues to rise, especially among the young; there are twice as many deaths from suicide than from HIV/AIDS; between 1952 and 1995 suicide in young adults almost tripled; more than half of all suicides are completed with a firearm and more than half of all suicides occur in adult men ages 25 to 65.

The highest suicide rates are found among widowed men with medical problems, alcoholism, and those over 85 years of age; it is the third leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds; the strongest risk factor for suicide is depression and this is exacerbated by substance abuse; According to the World Health Organization, by 2011, depression will be the number one disability in the world; an average of one person dies by suicide every 16.2 minutes.

There are three female suicide attempts for every male attempt in contrast to four male suicides for every completed female suicide; in 2004 there were 811,000 suicide attempts in the US Suicide prevention is best achieved through education, awareness, and treatment. The early warning signs of suicide are often noticeable if you are careful.

For example: ideation (thinking, wishing or talking about suicide); Angel; substance abuse; feeling trapped with the need to “escape”; feeling hopeless or helpless or both; withdrawal from family, friends, usual activities; increasingly backward behaviors; intensification of anxieties; lack of purpose; increased physical problems, especially chronic pain; dramatic changes in mood; inquisitive about methods of dying; worried about death; sudden contact with people with whom you have had a relationship; put one’s affairs in order; give away prized possessions; manifest loss of interest in usual subjects, people, etc.; actively obtain weapons or means and suddenly seem calmer even happier than previous appearances.

These signs and symptoms are among many others. Without exception, a suicidal person urgently needs to see a doctor or mental health professional. If you’re the first to see the warning signs of suicide, start by asking questions. Questions must be non-judgmental and non-confrontational to be useful.

An example of some questions that are direct and reasonable are: do you have a plan how specific? Do you have a serious intention? Do you want to die, kill yourself? If so, when, today, tomorrow, do you know? Do you feel so bad that suicide is a serious option? These questions are examples of how to assess risk in a direct but supportive way.

Don’t ask vague questions as if talking openly about suicide will cause it. Calling 911 or accompanying someone to the nearest emergency room is also very appropriate when suicidal ideation is strong or when actual suicidal behavior is occurring.

It is important to take signs, symptoms, or plans of suicide seriously. Each recurrent episode must be evaluated in the context of previous ideas and attempts and as a serious state of mind in the here and now.

If the person with suicidal thoughts or behaviors is a friend or family member, don’t be afraid that they’ll get mad at you if you bring it up or call 911. If they get mad and decide to end your relationship, it’s less tragic than breaking up with them. their lives.

A person in sufficient psychic pain to use suicide as a viable option should not allow their feelings to be dismissed or ridiculed. Attaching guilt or shame to your current state is counterproductive and dangerous.

A better approach is to listen carefully, reassure them that professional help is helpful and available, and that their feelings are well understood and treatable. That includes for them.

Continue your early care and interventions, whether it’s calling 911 or a mental health professional with or for the suicidal person or even accompanying them to their first professional contact, whether it’s the local emergency room or a psychiatric facility or office.

Don’t procrastinate, second guess or feel like you’re being nosy. Safety comes first, everything else is negotiable after. If you are the person with active suicidal thoughts go to the nearest emergency room or call 911 if you are already in active treatment. If you call or go to see your mental health professional, be clear and direct about your feelings or impulses.

Have someone help you do all of the above, remove weapons, media, or any specifically harmful objects/opportunities, delay urges to self-destruct and die using contingency plans that are pre-planned and well-established, and don’t keep quiet as much as you can . be just that for a long time.

Treatment with a combination of appropriate and effective medications and a variety of talking therapies are well-established and reliable methods to help improve and alleviate many sources of suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

It is never a “one size fits all” approach to these life-threatening conditions. A trained and experienced mental health professional is the best source to assess risk and provide the appropriate levels of care for these intense needs.

There is no need to be ashamed or stigmatized by these powerful moments and feelings. The help exists, it is effective, well tolerated, all with due respect and it allows to live life, not simply endure it or lose it. Please don’t stay in the shadows, suffer in silent isolation and die. Emphatically – be counted and participate for another well-deserved tomorrow.


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