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Super bright LED flashlight, my comparison of LED torch with a magnetic light

These days you can find a super bright LED flashlight that will light up the sky with the same power as a nuclear blast.

Thanks to advances in technology, a good quality LED flashlight can emit a truly amazing amount of light. However, you need to be careful not to be fooled. The torch I am referring to is of much better quality than the inexpensive LED light you can buy at your local store or market. It will illuminate about 300 meters or 984 feet with the beam of this torch. The center of this bright, hot beam is projected at a great distance that is difficult to match. The light spill from the Fenix ​​TK40 is wonderful. My entire backyard comes into view in this light. The torch comes with four power output levels to choose from. You can stick to the low, medium and high levels, or go turbo.

To get the best super bright LED flashlight, you HAVE to test the TK40 in turbo mode. The TK40 in turbo mode is actually brighter than the high beams of cars on the highway; You could use the TK40 instead of your car lights if there was an emergency situation that made doing such a thing a necessity! Imagine having the same amount of light in your hands as your car’s high beams.

When kept on the low setting, you will get 150 hours of light. That’s right, 6 days of low temperature light. Seriously, DO YOU NEED six full days of light? In fantastically bright turbo mode, you’ll enjoy a full 2 ​​hours of near daylight. Turbo mode puts out 630 lumens, in case you were wondering. Of all the flashlights or LED flashlights I have seen or used, the TK40 is by far the brightest. Best of all, it runs on AA batteries. This is just great, because you can pick up AA batteries practically anywhere you stop before camping or going into the jungle; any gas station or small store will surely have them. Personally, I use eneloop rechargeable batteries – they have a great lifespan once charged and are just a good battery for everyone. They also hold their charge much longer than most rechargeable batteries I’ve tested. You don’t have to worry about returning about a month after charging the batteries and discovering that the charge has run out and the device is not working. Comparison with a 3D cell magnetic light shows that there is in fact no comparison to be made. Magnetic light is amazed by the Fenix ​​TK40 LED for function, weight, size, brightness, light projection, and runtime. The Fenix ​​TK40 is roughly the same thickness as magnetic light, but only two-thirds the length. It fits comfortably in the hand and balances well for ease of use. In addition to the normal settings, you also have the options of slow flash, fast flash, SOS flash, and strobe. These can be useful for nighttime activities or when a headlamp is needed to draw attention to your position. The SOS flashing option is, of course, an obvious choice for saving lives.


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