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The 5 Key Benefits of Having a Cleaning Schedule

Many of us live busier lives than ever.

Demands on us can range from work, home life, parenting, social engagements, hobbies and more, not to mention our efforts to keep fit.

As studies have shown that our space can have a profound impact on our mental and physical health, it’s important to stay on top of cleaning as well.

But how can this be achieved when there is so much to juggle? A cleaning program can help.

Whether you’re a strictly organized person who loves lists, projects, and ‘checking off’ items when they’re complete, or more relaxed, scheduling your cleanup can have many benefits.

We’ve rounded up some of the best below.

Avoid feeling overwhelmed

There are few feelings more exhausting than coming home with a mountain of laundry or cleaning, or finishing chores only to find things went back to the way they started a few hours later.

At such times, it can be easy to become discouraged and even overwhelmed.

Having a cleaning routine helps prevent this. You know things will work out, even if it’s not right away, because you’ve already set aside time to deal with it. It will also help ensure that nothing gets too out of control as it is addressed regularly.

We probably know from our own experience that the longer we leave a mess behind, the bigger it gets. Cleaning routines help address this slowly but surely, so things stay manageable.

Minimizes ‘decision fatigue’

New studies show that all daily decisions incur an energy cost in the brain. What happens when we have too many decisions to make in a day, even small ones, is that we can develop ‘decision fatigue’.

Decision fatigue can feel exactly as it sounds. We are simply faced with too many decisions until ultimately too little is done.

The way to combat this is by somehow taking the decision out of our hands. If we’ve already allocated time to clean, we don’t have to decide to do it again the next day. We already know this is what we have planned.

Assigning cleaning to a specific day or time that works for us and trying to stick to it reduces the fatigue of the daily decision of whether or not to clean.

can be easily delegated

A cleaning schedule will help illuminate exactly what needs to be done and how often. Once you know this, you’ll be in a position to share the load.

Partners, children and other family members or roommates can participate. You might even consider turning it into an event with a friend, like returning the favor at their house the following week.

Even if you do the cleaning yourself, having a schedule ensures that you can divide the work sensibly throughout the week, so you never have too much to do.

it becomes routine

Cleaning can feel like an unwanted chore or obligation if it interrupts us.

We may have settled in for a movie night with friends or a well-deserved rest after work when we notice dusty surfaces, for example.

Having to get up and start cleaning when we’re already tired or had other plans can make the process feel like a chore. The results we get can be even more sloppy.

A cleaning schedule helps ensure that cleaning doesn’t infringe on your free time or disrupt things. You know when it’s going to be done, and you can even enjoy a reward afterwards!

it is more efficient

Our time is precious. We want to obtain the best results in the shortest possible time, with the minimum effort.

One of the best ways to achieve this is with professional cleaners, but a cleaning schedule can be a great help if you do the cleaning yourself.

A cleaning schedule helps ensure that our cleaning is efficient. We are less likely to repeat areas or forget when things were last covered.

We can also use a schedule to keep track of things that need to be done only periodically, like deep cleaning your carpets or mattresses.

With a little upfront effort, even a simple cleaning schedule can help keep us efficient, effective, and in control.


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