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The ABC’s of Your Career Path – W is for Wanderlust

Many times we just want to take the most direct route to our destination. We have no desire to deviate from the main road and enjoy new sights. We are so focused on where we are going, and perhaps what time we should arrive, that we do not pay attention to signs, landscapes, etc. that pass us by. Another way of looking at this is that we are not present.

By not being present with our surroundings, which includes the people we interact with, we tend to miss things. So if that’s the case, why do we do it? One of the reasons is that our attention span is getting shorter. Another reason is that we only think of ourselves in terms of our own wants and needs and don’t look outside our “own immediate bubble.” Lastly, it’s really hard to stay present because we’re thinking about possible regrets from our past or planning our future. For example, when you drive to work, what are you thinking about? Is it about the hectic schedule you have to juggle that day or are you listening to the radio and just taking life one minute at a time?

All this is very important when we think about our professional journey. By not being present, but instead having a strong desire to roam our heads, we miss out on the nuances that occur in our workplace. Some of these could be non-verbal cues from your co-workers or boss that they are telling you a different story than the one they are trying to convey with words. They could also be important directions in a project or proposal. The reality is that so much information is thrown at us that we can’t fully understand it, so we can just “check.”

This is why we all need to take some time to reflect. Instead of dwelling on our home life as we drive away from work, take time out of the car to review your day. If you’re working from home, find a quiet place or take a 20-minute walk. During this time, identify what went well and what could have gone better. Think about all the people you interacted with during the course of the day and determine whether or not you really engaged. Also, what did you learn that day? By having a life learning mindset, you should strive to learn something new every day. This allows us to strengthen our skills and/or learn new skills.

Wanderlust is fine when there are no expectations of us, but if we want to have a more successful professional trip, we must leave those desires to travel for another day!


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