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The benefits of physical therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder

In 2016, it is estimated that 1 in 45 children will be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Children with ASD may experience delays not only in social skills, but also in the basic life skills needed to participate successfully in their daily lives. Early intervention helps prepare these children to become successful adults, but it also helps prevent pain from physical ailments in the future. This is where physical therapy comes in.

Areas Directorate of Physiotherapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • gross motor skills – Sometimes children with ASD need help learning to use the large muscles to sit, stand, walk, run, etc.
  • Balance/coordination skills – Balance and coordination involve the brain, bones, and muscles in a coordinated effort for smooth movement that can be difficult for some children with ASD.
  • Strengthening – Children with ASD may lack muscle tone (up to 51% may have hypotonia), so it is necessary to help them develop muscles for support and resistance.
  • Functional Mobility/Motor Planning – This puzzle piece is necessary for children with ASD to become successful adults. It is important to improve the skills necessary to move through space, day by day, for children with ASD with independence and efficiency.

How Physical Therapy Can Help Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

  1. Treadmill: Used with older children, standing and walking on the surface of a treadmill with a slight incline to provide some resistance can help create the necessary proprioceptive and vestibular input for children with ASD.
  2. Adaptive and trapeze swings: More than just a play activity, swinging on a trapeze swing is beneficial for children with ASD because it helps them develop the core strength needed to help with coordination and balance while increasing sensory integration.
  3. Stationary bicycle: Another useful tool for older children, a stationary bike will help develop muscle tone and increase coordination when performing large body movements (eg, pedaling a bicycle).
  4. balance training: Children diagnosed with ASD may have problems with balance and posture. Exercises like walking on a balance beam or balancing on therapy balls can help develop balance needed for daily activities.
  5. home therapy programs: Physical therapists can create and recommend activities for parents to do with their children to increase their skill level in coordination, balance, and strength while keeping it fun for the family.

Physical therapists help children with autism spectrum disorder gain confidence in the skills they need to participate in their daily activities. Additionally, physical therapy prepares them to have the tools they will need in the future to navigate different environments and perform challenging tasks in the community as adults.

For more information about the applications of physical and occupational therapy tools, visit us at


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