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Health Fitness

The benefits of strength training and cardiovascular exercises

There has always been a debate for decades as to whether cardio training or strength training is better for you. The reality is that you need both. Your body will not depend on a single branch of exercise to function. Cardio and strength training come with their own set of benefits, each supporting the other and improving your overall physical performance. It is suggested that adults get at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity a day and do strength training at least twice a week. These recommendations from the American Heart Association are enough for 30 minutes a day, or 150 minutes a week, of related physical activity that can be as easy as going for a run around the block and hitting the gym with some weights.

Strength Training Benefits
Weight training builds big muscles and helps strengthen the connective tissues in your body, and that goes a long way toward preventing injuries. Not only will it help with daily tasks and aging of the body, but it will also improve your posture, balance, and stability. Weight training helps shape your body and metabolizes fat faster. After strength training, your metabolism stays higher for an extended period of time (unlike cardio, which stops as soon as your heart rate drops), in return you burn more calories after your workout. Also, muscle expends more energy to maintain itself than fat, so in return, you’ll burn more calories while resting by adding some muscle to your frame.

Benefits of Cardio Training
Cardiovascular training improves your body’s ability to process and use higher oxygen content, increases your lung capacity, and improves your overall fitness level to help you live longer and have a healthier heart. Even as top bodybuilders began training, they began to recognize the high level of importance of adding cardiovascular training to their workouts, helping them increase blood flow to the muscles, as well as speed up the healing process of muscle breakdown and muscle breakdown. recovery through workouts. Cardio training raises your heart rate in the short term, with benefits like lower blood pressure and a slower resting heart rate, which translates to less strain on your heart and any future disease.

A well-rounded, well-designed exercise routine comes with a host of mental and physical benefits. Exercise releases endorphins under stress, helping to relieve stress, tension and anxiety, as well as increasing blood flow to the brain, helping it to function at higher levels. Risks for diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer can be reduced by engaging in health-related activities. Exercise helps maintain muscle mass and build bone density, both of which decline as we age. Staying active will not only give us a better way of life, but also a longer and healthier life.


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