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The Broken Road Written by Keifer Bonvillian

The author describes this book, “A History of Drugs, Sex, Alcohol, and FEMA Fraud.” Keifer Bonvillian took a job helping clean up Louisiana after disastrous hurricanes hit the area where his parents live, Terrebonne Parish (in Los Angeles. They call them Parish’s while most in the US call them counties). Keifer had never done this type of work before, but he thought he could do it, since he wasn’t afraid of hard work. What he got into was a nightmare that still lives on in his mind today. The corruption that occurred at the company he worked for, Beck Disaster Recovery opened his eyes to what can and does go wrong when the government takes over without actually taking over!

Keifer started out as a manual laborer and soon moved into a monitor and then a supervisory position for Beck. He saw corruption every day by Beck employees, contractors, local government employees and even Beck management out of state. I won’t go into the individual names the author mentions, some that he trusted bred him, and many that he couldn’t trust from the time he met them. When he became a job monitor, followed by a supervisor, he did everything he could to keep things legit, but in every way, someone was involved or was involved in helping others receive sex, drugs, alcohol, or a combination. of all. them. He discovered the many discrepancies in disaster-related waste truckloads and how the measure varied so much from truck to truck and contractor to contractor. Many employees would sign him in, show up, and then go to a bar or motel/hotel where they had women, mostly employees, to do whatever they wanted. In most situations they were paid enough in money or any of the aforementioned “payment” methods for corruption to be highlighted, impossible for an honest person to take as normal and correct.

Keifer has recounted everything he learned mostly the hard way by living it. But in general all his complaints to superiors went unheeded and in most cases only resulted in some monitors or supervisors being changed or just a token person here and there being put on “hold” or fired. . at least temporarily. While Keifer has come up with a lot of bugs over time, he seems to double down on some of the situations. I believe this was caused by his utter disgust at the handling of the many discrepancies he discovered. Keifer turned over all the results he found—tapes, emails, letters, meeting recordings, and other evidence of fraud—to the FBI. He has high hopes that more steps will be taken so that this type of corruption does not happen again on this scale.


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