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The Chronicles of Madness – Episode 21

In our Madness Chronicles Episode 21, we’ll take a look at the shark madness surrounding the president. Remember, insanity is a state of mental illness, especially severe, extremely foolish behavior, and a state of frenetic or chaotic activity. Let’s take a look at the evidence that the left is closing in for the kill.

Funny how all the Democrat states and cities were in a frenzy about social distancing and taking control of people who didn’t comply with their directives during the ‘deadly’ coronavirus pandemic. Then one day, four Minneapolis police officers shamelessly killed a person who wasn’t even resisting arrest. And everything changed. The deceased is a black male, and all bets are off, we have a cure for the virus.

Even though the prosecutor acted quickly, like the same day, arresting one, then the four officers would seem like justice to me… riots broke out ‘spontaneously’ all over the United States and around the world. Isn’t that interesting? And just like that, it’s a new day, and ‘systemic racism’ is the cause, not the virus.

White privilege is back in the headlines. Star NFL quarterback and charming boy Drew Brees is forced to apologize for saying that he and we must honor the flag. Now his wife came out and said: ‘we are the problem.’ Trans-Republican Mitt Romney marched today with Black Lives Matter. There is nothing too low for Mitt to go. The whites act like battered women who cry quickly; they are to blame for the fact that their husband (the medium) is beating them to death.

The Minneapolis City Council is moving to abolish its police force after a mob rounded up the mayor over the issue. Not to be outdone, Democrats in Congress are running to introduce a massive police reform bill. In another lunacy, a UCLA professor has been placed on furlough, pending an investigation. His offense at him? He did not cancel the finals for minorities mourning the death of the unfortunate Mr. Floyd in Minneapolis.

In DC this week, a video shows 15 FBI special agents taking a knee in solidarity with ANTIFA, the very organization creating riots across the United States. It seems that they are following in the footsteps of Senator Romney. How low can they go after ten years of corrupt behavior? In Fall River, Massachusetts, an 82-year-old man was on the street holding a Trump sign when a passing car pulled up. A young man jumped and punched the old man out of his hatred of Trump.

New York City has seen entire sections destroyed and burned, including downtown Macy’s, one of the city’s icons. Mayor DeBlasio looks on and says there’s no need for the National Guard in town for him. Meanwhile, a new group appeared this week at the protests and seized several young people. The Black Hammer members rounded up the children and taught them that they were part of a revolution to overthrow the United States. They made the youths repeat slogans like ‘we live on stolen land’ and other revolutionary gems. The children were in awe of their new mentors.

Like sharks in the water, the leftists smell blood in the water again. In their quest to get President Trump, they hope this ‘crisis’ is the one that makes him pack up. They’ve been trying for four years and are getting desperate as November 2020 approaches. Think you’ve seen the madness? You haven’t seen anything yet.

May we wake up from this madness before it’s too late. I wish you good health and until next time have fun, enjoy life and beware of the madness among us.


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