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The Essential Components of a Strong and Healthy Marriage


Have you ever met a couple who has said that their marriage has always been easy? Neither do I. There is a great explanation for this; Building and maintaining a healthy marriage was never meant to be an easy task.

Marriage is perhaps the most important choice to be made in the life of an adult. This relationship and commitment has the most far-reaching effects, as it can bring not only immediate happiness, but eternal joy as well. Marriage affects many more than the two people who have made vows to each other. All members of your families, particularly your children and your children’s children for generations to come, will feel the effects of an unmarried marriage relationship. Marriage is a spiritual and cultural covenant, made between two consenting adults to fully commit their lives to each other no matter what difficulties they may face. Marriage is a very precious and important commitment that should never be taken lightly. Research has found that having a healthy, happy, and satisfying marriage benefits everyone in the family. A healthy marriage offers personal, emotional, and financial stability for each person and the family unit.

Relationship in a marriage

Maintaining a healthy marital relationship is not always easy. Any lasting relationship requires maintenance, and marriage is meant to be the longest lasting relationship in a person’s life. The efforts of husband and wife must be equal to ensure that their marriage relationship continues to be pleasant and comfortable. Think of trust as the cornerstone of a committed relationship. A structure will crumble if the keystone is compromised, just as a marriage will crumble when trust is compromised by dishonesty. Being honest with each other is vital to building a strong relationship. Even if a couple is not yet married, they should strive to learn how to strengthen the marriage. Those who are considering getting married should also start building a healthy marriage before they start building a perfect wedding. This is when a couple should seek marriage advice, learn it, and most importantly, practice it before making a commitment to eternity.

intimacy in a marriage

Sexual attraction and energy are often at their highest levels in the early stages of a relationship. Intimacy is an important part of marriage, but more important is emotional fulfillment. The physical aspect of intimacy should never be sought solely through sex. Although this is not an area that should be neglected in a marriage, the importance of romance and simple physical contact should not be forgotten. It is important to remember that any relationship based primarily on sexual attraction or sexual activity can be sabotaged from the start. Proper intimacy in marriage is an expression of love, respect, and appreciation. Expressions of affection and kindness keep love and friendship alive in marriage. A couple should continue dating throughout their long life together. This simple concept ensures that husband and wife continue to build their friendship, reinforcing their attraction and renewing their love for each other. It’s also important to understand that for many people, how their spouse talks and treats them throughout the day is a major factor in their continued sexual attraction. The act of making love must be preceded by the demonstration of love through your words and actions.

communication in a marriage

Marital relationships can be enriched by communication. Communication is one of the most important parts of a healthy relationship. Effective communication requires practice, patience, and a lot of effort. Numerous studies suggest that marital outcomes can be predicted, with a high degree of accuracy, based primarily on aspects of the couple’s communication and conflict management skills. It’s important to take turns talking so you both have a chance to be heard and talk about your feelings. Listening is almost more important than talking to a spouse about feelings, wishes, frustrations, or even anger. While one speaks, the other must give their full attention. Listening is more than hearing with the ears. A couple must listen with their hearts, minds, and emotions. It must also be said that communication is not limited to talking. People communicate in many different ways. A couple needs to commit to recognizing how their spouse communicates without words. Remember that it is okay and healthy to disagree as long as you use respectful and loving communication skills. Using functional communication to resolve your issues, rather than walking away or ignoring the issue, is a very healthy way to nurture your relationship. This also has the added benefit of teaching your children positive conflict resolution techniques through example.


Marriage is a continuous cycle of growing, learning, and growing. Husband and wife should never stop looking for new things to fall in love with in their spouse. Each marriage should be an inspiration to all those around her, especially her children. A healthy marriage relationship begins with building healthy communication, trust, and mutual respect before marriage. There may be times when a conflict or problem requires the use of techniques that you are not familiar with. If this were to happen, there is no shame in seeking alternative resources. Every city in the country has readily available resources that provide advice on marriage and family communication. By maintaining clear communication, accepting and nurturing your spouse’s differences, supporting each other, and agreeing to disagree, you will foster a strong and healthy marriage.


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