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The Importance of Christian Repentance! The door to eternal life!

What we do and believe must reflect our journey to the final destination. Consequently, we are born again and read the scriptures for guidance. Furthermore, we must also repent of our sins. After all, the Bible often asks us to do so. However, sometimes we forget the regret part. Getting away from sin and the earthly way of living life is difficult, but hopefully this piece will help.

To begin with, repentance helps lead a life of righteousness. This saves us from condemnation according to Matthew 3:10, the trees that produce bad fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire to burn them. The message translates into our lives. Therefore, it bears fruits worthy of repentance (Matthew 3: 8). Automatically staying true to the gospel and constantly seeking honest repentance will result in a righteous life … times of refreshing can come from the presence of the Lord …, Acts 3:19.

Second, repentance is directly linked to the kingdom of God, which is why it should be the primary goal of Christians: Matthew 6:33. Mark 1: 14-15, Matthew 3: 2, and Matthew 4: 7 are some of the scriptures that provide proof of this statement. In light of this, Jesus and the prophets continued to preach repentance so that people could enjoy eternal life (Luke 5:32). Jeremiah also had a similar message in Jeremiah 25: 4-5. As such, you must be willing to repent of your sins, in addition to salvation, to enter the kingdom of God and escape condemnation. (Ezekiel 18: 30-31, Luke 13: 3).

Third, our job as Christians is to continue the Lord’s work as outlined in Matthew 28: 18-20. Therefore, we need to be free from sin and evil-minded so that we can preach repentance and the remission of sins to everyone. Also, repentance paves the way for the Holy Spirit to take root in our hearts and souls. (Acts 2:38)

Another reason repentance is important is that it was a gift from God. (Acts 5:31, Acts 11:18). Just see this as an opportunity to further distance yourself from Adam’s mistake that brought sin into the world. If you remember Romans 3:23, you will see how essential this gift of repentance is.

Finally, repentance helps us grow spiritually and emotionally. Having the burden of guilt removed for our transgressions purifies us (John 1: 9). Thus, we can move forward without crawling behind anything.

In essence, Christians must be willing to follow their faith and do whatever it takes to obey God and his teachings to eventually become witnesses to the kingdom of God. And through repentance, we are well on this path.


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