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The Olympus 740 digital camera: my secret weapon in genealogy research

Tea olympus 740 digital camera it’s a great little tool in my genealogy record search.

One of my oldest interests is history and family lines; research often involves capturing and copying old photos to store on my computer. Often I find myself in the living room or kitchen of some distant relative, or perhaps in the storage room of a local museum, I don’t have access to a scanner, but I want to get good copies of the great photos I’ve found. . Something better than the standard photocopier. A nearly ideal way for me to quickly and easily capture those images to print and store later is the zoom, mode setting, and stabilization capabilities of the Olympus 740 digital camera.

What I end up with are high-quality digital copies of some often very old photos that help me piece together and capture priceless images into a cohesive story. I just use a small tripod that I can literally fit in my bag, it’s great for stabilizing the camera. Then place the photo on a small stand with the right lighting and I’m ready to go. Optical (10x) and digital (3x) zoom are superior to many of the newer cameras and make it easy to capture those old photos.

Also, the Olympus 740 digital camera makes it very easy to transfer the photos to my laptop (or desktop computer at home). Just plug in a standard USB cable and download images directly to your computer. In most cases, software is already installed to make this process quick.

The camera was originally sold with a 16MB XD memory card that can be easily removed and replaced. With the new 2 GB memory cards, it can give you the ability to save virtually unlimited photos until you’re in one place to transfer them to your computer. It’s always best to capture these images at the highest resolution possible, with swappable cards you don’t have to worry about using all your memory.

I am always looking for tools to facilitate my genealogy research. With superior zoom capabilities, lighting modes and distance…and even manual controls when needed, the Olympus 740 digital camera is almost ideal for my work. The 7.1 megapixel CCD captures enough detail for photographic quality even on a 15 x 20-inch print.

What can I say? I love it.


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