We know how the tech is done.


The small business ad dilemma

Small businesses, and for their part, some medium-sized businesses are ‘stuck’ in an advertising dilemma that seems like a fog to them. They stick to the ‘regular advertising and marketing avenue’ because it’s what they know best. It’s worked for years, so why fix something that ain’t broke, huh?

Well, it may not be broken, but it’s getting tired and wearing out. He doesn’t act the same way he did in his prime. The ‘regular advertising and marketing avenue’ has become a weedy, pothole-ridden route that most new businesses simply don’t travel anymore. They have found the brand superhighway that is the ‘social media phenomenon’ that all teenagers already have permanently ‘wired’ into their brain.

IT’S OKAY. What is supposedly the most valuable market on the planet? The market in which most of the world’s wealth is open? Could it be the teen/young adult market? Don’t they have the biggest influence on what ad agencies insist on seeing? They do, and that’s why the ‘social media phenomenon’ is already dramatically affecting the advertising habits of every high-flying company around the world right now.

The advantage of this trend is that literally “every” company, large or small, can create “equality” in that market. Sure, there are some new tricks and rules to play with, but all the free help and support is available right now for anyone to turn to and ‘brand’ themselves or their business in any way they see fit.

However, the ‘regular avenue of advertising and marketing’ still has its place, and as long as it is priced accordingly it will always bring a certain ‘value’ to those traveling that route. Although it must be said that companies that still want to travel down the ‘regular’ advertising route should look to invest their ad revenue with an internet-based model that also regularly uses the ‘social media phenomenon’ to attract potential customers to their address.

FRED67 has the look and feel of an old-school business referral website, but the methods used to attract visitors rely heavily on social media, blogging, and the visual exposure of their cool logo. Regular SEO tactics also ensure that your Google listings stay on the first relevant pages for your chosen keywords. Therefore, advertisers who have their own bio pages within the website can expect to get traffic that is directed towards their category. Bio pages also appear as ‘individual listings’ on Google and all other major search engines.

Any business person who is tech-phobic, or just doesn’t want to master the ins and outs of internet marketing, can simply take advantage of a website like FRED67 and have the benefits of a web presence without ‘none’ of the hassle. In fact, there is a new breed of marketers who “exclusively” target business people and offer their services to take all the worries and hassles of web management and make it “their” responsibility. They also charge very well for their services. Therefore, for small and medium-sized businesses working on a tight budget, the “piggyback” option is probably the most attractive.

There is a growing market for those who are willing to take a ‘much smaller’ slice of the mass advertising market, to utilize the ‘social media phenomenon’ and ‘brand’ a website similar to FRED67. It can be done for just the outlay of a reliable web hosting account and the cost of a good .com domain.


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