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Things to know about tooth extractions

Teeth are valuable for doing your basic activities like eating and talking. It is important to keep them healthy to avoid any suffering. When you experience toothache, you may need a tooth extraction and dental implants to fix your problem. This is because your decayed teeth can spread the infection to your other teeth. Even the other parts of the mouth can be sore and sore. Consult your dentist first to find out the dental implant procedure for your problem.

Types of Tooth Extraction Procedures

Your dentist should check to see if you need an anterior or posterior tooth replacement. Posterior tooth replacement is more problematic because it is difficult to reach. However, replacement of the front teeth can be more painful due to the nerves present in that area of ​​the mouth. In general, dental replacements are not harmful or expensive, contrary to what many people believe.

The bridge is necessary when you only need to replace a single tooth. This procedure requires a supporting action of the two adjacent teeth. This is a metal joint and needs chipping of the bottom of the two adjacent teeth. Implants using a metal bridge are common. The tooth is removable while the bridge remains permanently fixed in the gum.

There are two types of bridges, which are horizontal and vertical. The horizontal bridge requires the support of the two adjacent teeth, unlike the vertical bridges, which are inserted into the gum. Your dentist can also install the bridge with a wing, which is more comfortable. The flap remains wrapped around the gum while the tooth remains in place. Dental implants last depending on how much friction the base of the implant is facing, such as the bridge or crown.

The crown is a modern method of tooth replacement in cosmetic dentistry. Dentists use it in partial tooth replacement and root canal surgery. It involves replacing the decayed part of the tooth with a new material that looks and functions like natural teeth. Normally, it is located on the upper surface of the tooth. The crowns are also durable and useful for chewing.

Do’s and Don’ts During the Healing Process

Eat soft foods or liquids to avoid complications. Keep the clot intact so your wounds heal. Avoid any type of sucking activity, such as smoking and drinking. Do not blow up balloons or sneeze because such activities can disrupt the clot in your wounds and cause bleeding. Wait until the socket from the tooth extraction heals before you can return to your normal activities. Avoid spicy or spicy foods and alcohol to prevent complications. Heavy exercises can cause bleeding because blood can go to the area of ​​the mouth where the implant is. Use ice packs and take prescribed antibiotics and pain relievers to control pain and swelling.


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