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This Is Why You Should Avoid Penis Pumps At All Costs

One of the most publicized methods to improve and enlarge the size of your penis is to buy a vacuum or penis pump. The companies that sell these products make them sound as easy to use as they are effective. All you have to do is insert your penis into a cylinder and pump, automatically and rapidly increasing size and girth. The only problem with this sales pitch is that, like so many other products on the market, it doesn’t work at all. The problem with this method is that it sucks blood out of your penis, not giving you good blood flow and the potential for increased blood flow capacity, which is exactly how penile enhancement really works.

The truth is that penis pumps actually discourage proper blood flow and are very deceptive in their operation. At first, your penis may seem larger to you when erect, but it will surely return to its normal size after a short period of time. These products are so popular in the market because they appear to be very easy to use and semi-cheap. The truth is that the only penis enlargement techniques that really work are the natural ones, which require real work, as well as a regimen and program that actually exercises the penis, not sucks it into a vacuum that doesn’t give it does absolutely nothing good and can only do harm.

It is true that penis pumps are helpful for those men who have trouble getting or maintaining an erection, however, those who use penis pumps know that the erection they achieve is not considered very normal. Some other negative aspects of using penis pumps can be discoloration of the penis and numbness in the area. Some women of men who wear pumps also complain that their man’s penis is cold when they touch it. Another downside is the entire waiting period women have to endure while the man wears the pump, completely ruining the mood.

The reasons above are all good reasons not to use a pump, but if you’re still not convinced, you should know that using a pump incorrectly can be dangerous for you. The most important information you take away from this article is that penis pumps do not increase the size of the penis in any way. Buying such products with the expectation of a bigger penis is a waste of time and money. If you don’t believe the many negative reviews about penis pumps, you will have to learn the hard way that they are not only ineffective but also dangerous.

You want a bigger penis and you don’t want to sacrifice your health in any way. With all the information available on the internet, there’s no reason you should make an uninformed decision. Read reviews online and do your research before seriously considering any penis enlargement method, not just pumps.


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