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Home Kitchen

This key factor affects our health on a daily basis, can you guess what it is?

There is no question that our ancestors lived longer and healthier lives than the average person today. In addition to the obvious pollutants present in the environment, there is an even more important factor that is slowly deteriorating our health on a daily basis. The culprit is hiding in our kitchen. Yes, it’s your pot!

Although our eating habits have a direct impact on our health and well-being, for example, eating too much junk food increases cholesterol levels and creates a protein and vitamin deficiency. Even if you regularly eat a healthy diet with just the right balance of essential nutrients, you may not see the desired impact on your health. This is because the way you cook food largely determines its nutritional value.

If you are cooking food in conventional cookware, you are greatly reducing its health value. Metal and chemical toxins from metal and ceramic pots seep into food and contaminate it. Strong heat destroys delicate nutrients like complex carbohydrates, flavonoids, phytonutrients, etc. and its effect is clearly visible when the cooked food tastes bland and loses its natural color.

Water-soluble nutrients cannot be stored in the body, so we need them from food on a daily basis. These are available as steam during cooking that must be released before you can open the cooker lid due to the extreme pressure of the steam. Like other delicate nutrients, water-soluble nutrients are also lost.

Can you guess what we can do to prevent this? Let ‘me help you:

If we could just switch to the same cookware our ancestors cooked with, we could vastly improve our health. We must get rid of the conventional and start cooking in pure clay pots and pans. This cookware does not leach and cooks food with far infrared heat that is not harmful to food: it saves delicate nutrients. In addition, they have excellent steam management: as the lid is cooler than the pot during cooking, all the steam condenses on the inner surface of the lid and falls back onto the food. This saves water soluble nutrients.

Eating food cooked in pure clay slowly cleanses already accumulated toxins in the body organs and heals your body from common health problems like diabetes, blood pressure and common diseases.

Being completely biodegradable, pure clay pots and pans are just as good for the planet as well. Thousands of people have permanently switched to unglazed pure clay cookware for the sake of their family’s health, when will you join them?


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