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Three Obstacles to Reading and How to Overcome Them

Obstacle number one: I can’t read very fast

Solution: Be realistic

Personally, I can’t read very fast, but I have found that after years of constant reading, my reading speed has increased exponentially. One thing that helped me even start a reading habit was starting with books that interested me. If you’re reading a book just to read, you won’t establish a lifelong reading habit. Start with books that you really enjoy. Another action step is to start with books that are less than 100 pages. Don’t start with your great-grandfather’s “World History Chronicles.” You can usually finish a 100 page book in just a few days of reading for 20-30 minutes. The thrill of closing a book after reading it makes you want to start another.

Obstacle number two: I can’t find a quiet place to read.

Solution: Be intentional and communicate.

Some of you reading this have several children and a small house. I know a lot about this obstacle. One way to overcome this is to schedule reading time into your day. Make this a time when you are naturally alert and awake. Thirty minutes of focused reading time will produce far more benefit than three hours of distracted reading. I think mornings are the best time for me. Be sure to reach out to your family, spouse, roommates, etc. when you go to hide to read a little. This will prevent you from feeling frustrated when they walk into the room to ask you a question or talk about the new Star Wars movie. You may be thinking, “I can’t ask them to leave me alone for thirty minutes. That’s selfish.” Believe me, men, our wives don’t want boring, ignorant husbands. Just imagine having something to talk about with our wives besides politics and the latest ESPN stats. Our wives won’t mind if we take time for intellectual stimulation. Girls, take advantage of the times of the day when the children are doing homework or taking a nap. Another strategy is to have your children read with you. Some mornings, my wife and I have our kids read a book (or look at the pictures) by themselves while we have our reading times. Ask your husband and your kids to do the dishes while you slip away for a few minutes of quiet reading.

Obstacle number three: I don’t have time.

Solution: Remember that the quality of time is more important than the quantity of time.

Really? You don’t have time to read. “I don’t have time” is one of the best phrases of our days when it comes to commitments. The real problem is that we have made too many compromises on the wrong things. The biggest time waster for all of us is television. I promise. Turn off the television and you’ll find you have plenty of time that you could use to read a book. Start by cutting just one thirty minute show and focus on a book. You’ll find that your appetite for good reading will begin to crowd out your appetite for pointless TV shows. Oh. One more thing. Be sure to turn off your cell phone while reading, too. May your reading become easier and your appetite for good books strengthen as you begin this great lifelong habit.

What time of day do you spend reading?

What time of day are you most alert?

Are you an early riser or a night owl?


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