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Health Fitness

Tips and Strategies to Worry Less, Be More Thankful, and Lose More Weight

How to worry less and lose more weight. Remember first that worry can take away your happiness. When he’s unhappy, he’s likely in a bad mood and eating more. Instead of worrying about the goals you missed today, focus on those things that make you grateful today. Here are some tips and strategies to worry less, feel more grateful, and lose more weight.

When you are grateful, you worry less and stress less. Here is my own example. I hope you already know that as much as I can, I share with you and with others how to improve without rest and achieve our daily goals. One of my daily goals is relentless weight loss. Well, you can imagine my surprise at having gained 7 pounds last week. This worried me, because I had actually lost weight on vacation.

The first thing I did was do a quick 72-hour food audit to find out what change or pattern in my eating habit had helped me gain more weight than I wanted. I found that in the last 2 weeks, I had been eating more servings of my healthy food options like oatmeal and brown rice. Instead of getting mad at myself for stumbling, I decided to be grateful for my journey so far and focus on the future. This approach made me less concerned about how I was going to lose weight or what my responsible partners would say when I told them I had gained some weight.

I shared my struggles with others and focused on reducing my portion size by about a third the size of my previous portion. Actually, this is the second tip and strategy to lose weight; taking action. I didn’t wallow in self-pity or look for someone to blame. In fact, he was thankful that he hadn’t gained too much weight. The other action I took was to double my serving of vegetables and fruits. I also told myself that considering we are dealing with the pandemic, dealing with weight gain was not that big of a deal in the scheme of things.

This made me less concerned about myself and more concerned about the plight of others, whether admitted with COVID19 or those with loved ones or friends. This part of the process of living in Thanksgiving. I cared less about myself and more about more important things like people’s safety and getting the COVID vaccine. The funny thing was, when I thought more about others, I became more grateful, worried less, and slept more. You know what happened? I started losing weight again. I was back on track for relentless weight loss and gain. I’ll keep you informed. Today, I focus on gratitude. It is the glue that keeps my challenging life intact. Being grateful instead of anxious makes me more successful in losing weight and in other things that I do. You can do the same too if you stay committed to looking on the bright side of life. This is part of the process of relentless self-mastery and improvement.


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