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Title – Decoding God’s Language – Author – George C. Cunningham, MD, MPH – Book Review

Dr. Cunningham “peels the onion” by exposing, revealing layer by layer, the complexities of human belief in the existence of God, from the perspective of a scientist who subscribes to scientific reasoning. Dr. Cunningham’s platform emerges as a rebuttal, a clarification of inaccuracies, of Dr. Francis S. Collins’s renowned work, The Language of God. Dr. Cunningham goes further by “decoding” his colleague’s platitudes using critical logic, analytical reasoning, citing historical and contemporary sociological influences, and in accordance with explanations based on scientific reasoning.

This forms the basis of a systematic, logical, and expertly written series of what are essentially “White Papers” of expert analysis; each taking gradual steps towards their conclusions. Dr. Cunningham writes: “The universal application of scientific theories to explain nature has been one of the most productive uses of the human mind.” Use this powerful methodology to answer theology questions to the best of your ability.

As an example, Dr. Cunningham, in his answer to the question; Can Science Explain the Necessity of Religion ?, explains the following medical research conducted by Dr. Andrew Newberg using a PET Scan of Buddhist monks as they prayed. “He found a decrease in brain activity in the superior posterior parietal lobe, an area that helps us locate ourselves in three dimensions and separate ourselves from the outside world. Newberg believes that without the parietal lobe, the concept of god or God would not exist. Scientific or a rational person would deny that while God or God may exist elsewhere, God or God must also exist as a state of mind in the brain. “

“Deciphering the Language of God: Can a Scientist Really Be a Believer?” he discusses very personal and sensitive issues of faith in God, with the utmost courtesy and the utmost respect for the personal opinions of the reader. The innate quality of Dr. George C. Cunningham’s writing makes this book as enjoyable as if one were to spend an evening chatting or perhaps attending one of his lectures. Your written “voice” sounds true to your beliefs and personal opinions, carefully respecting the intelligence of the reader. Make it clear that your research on the topics is based on logical plateaus that others have already proven or disproved.

This is done very delicately, revealing the “gentleman” within the scientist. He professes the humble teachings of a man who has done immeasurable research, has devoted much of his life’s work to achieving the skillful articulation of his reasoning. He positions his work carefully and successfully so as not to offend any of his intellectual readers. As a piece of literature, its use of footnotes and indexing is impeccable. With the respect you give me, I certainly return you, as I believe that everyone who reads your work would agree on the strength of your determinations, even if it contradicts your own beliefs.

To Dr. Cunningham, I say: “QED Quod erat demonstrandum.” You have certainly deciphered Collins’s work. This book is for the open-minded person who is not afraid to challenge the standard belief system of religion, science, and the question of the existence of God.


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