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Too Much Fish Oil: How Much Is Too Much?

Fish oil has been proven to reduce your risk of heart attack, help you focus, and is great for your skin. But too much fish oil can be a problem.

It is an anticoagulant. So if you’re taking blood-thinning medications, it can affect you. Fish oil is also not recommended for people with low blood pressure. Since it can lower blood pressure, it’s great for people with high blood pressure, but be careful if yours tends to be low.

There is also the possibility that, in extreme cases, it may lower your body’s immune system as well. (as with HIV patients) or the elderly. Regular blood tests will show if you are being negatively affected.

For most people, by taking what nutrition experts deem appropriate, 1 to 2 mg per day of fish oil, you’re more likely to experience the benefits of reduced inflammation, a healthy heart, and improved memory.

Some people complain of other minor side effects: a “fishy aftertaste” or belching.

However, most people need the healthy omega 3 nutrients found in fish. For most Westerners, the risk is higher if they don’t get these essential nutrients.

After all, a Harvard University study shows you may be at higher risk of premature death if you don’t get them. Their study linked a deficiency of these nutrients to the premature death of between 63,000 and 97,000 Americans a year.

How is this possible? Everything is related to our diet. Look, 100 years ago, we ate differently. We didn’t eat anything that came in a package and now, packaged food made up much or most of our diets.

You can eat fish to get more omega 3 or take fish oil supplements. The choice is yours.

It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before adding any new supplements or medications.

A typical dose of fish oil is 1 to 2 pills a day. That gives you the recommended 1000-2000 mg.

If you are interested in learning more about the risks of not getting enough fish oil, please visit my website, where I share products that I have personally been using on a daily basis for several years.


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