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Travel? How to get any visa

A visa is an official stamp from a country’s embassy or high commission in a person’s passport or travel document that officially authorizes them to travel to that country for a period of time stated in the visa for a specific purpose.

A person may be denied entry to a country for which they do not have a valid visa to enter and may be repatriated if they manage to enter the country but are later found out.

Anyone who meets the visa rules and regulations can receive a visa. Most of the time, people are denied visas not because they are not qualified, but because they do not use simple knowledge to understand what a visa officer actually requires of them. Below are suggestions of what to do before applying for a visa to a country with a high visa refusal rate:


Is your passport virgin or not? According to experts, 70 percent of your success in getting a visa from a country with a high visa rejection rate depends on the answer to this question.
A virgin passport is one that has just been issued recently (or in an earlier period) but does not have a visa from any country. It means that the bearer has not traveled outside the coasts of his country of residence or that no country has found him worthy of receiving a visa, etc.
A passport that has lost its virginity is the opposite of a virgin one. It is likely that the bearer has been to many countries or has obtained one or more visas from other countries without having physically been there. This means that those countries had confidence in him, therefore they issued him the visas.

The important thing to learn is: For a higher visa success rate, never apply for a visa to a country with a high visa refusal with a virgin passport. If you do, your passport will most likely be stamped “visa refused”, thus discrediting your passport for future visa applications even at other countries’ embassies, and of course the visa fee is generally non-refundable.

You’re probably thinking, “How can I ‘deflower’ my passport?” The answer is through Travel and Tours companies. There are many of them. For a small fee, you’ll get expert advice and assistance in acquiring any visa.

Other questions you need to answer before going to the embassy include:

(a) Do I have a valid invitation letter?

(b) Have I made a hotel reservation or do I have a prearranged place to stay abroad?

(c) What is my financial status? Do I have my bank statement?

(d) Has any country ever denied me a visa?

(e) Have I been convicted of any criminal offense before?

(f) Who sponsors my trip?

(g) What is the purpose of my trip? Etc.

Of all these, the most important is to have visas from other countries in your passport.


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