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Health Fitness

Treadmill Vs Treadclimber Vs Elliptical – Which One Is Best For You?

Trying to decide between a treadmill, a treadclimber, or an elliptical trainer? These are 3 of the most popular fitness machines on the market, each with its own unique benefits.

Which one is the best for you?

Here’s an overview of the benefits of each to help you decide.

# 1 The Treadclimber

The Bowflex Treadclimber is an attractive looking machine. Instead of a belt like a treadmill, there are 2 movable belts that rise to meet your feet as you walk.

Treadclimber has great benefits, the main one being that it can burn calories very fast. According to Bowflex, you can burn up to 3.5 times the calories of a normal treadmill.

So you see results really fast, which is always encouraging!

Some of the other benefits are that the Treadclimber is slightly more compact than a treadmill or elliptical (more of a square footprint than a long rectangle). So if space is a bit limited in your home, this is a great option.

The downside to this machine is that you can’t run on it like a treadmill. Plus, the motorized version starts at around $ 2000 and up, so it’s not the cheapest option.

# 2 The treadmill

The treadmill has been around for years and is a great option for both runners and walkers.

You have a much wider range of options than with a Treadclimber, and prices also range from $ 600 to $ 3,000. There are many great benefits to a home treadmill.

First of all, unlike a Treadclimber, you can run on it. So there is a little more versatility there.

Also, there is a new type of treadmill on the market called an incline trainer that gives you many of the same benefits of a Treadclimber. It gives you a 0 to 40% incline.

Walking on a high incline can burn up 5 times the calories like walking on a flat incline treadmill.

Another benefit of the treadmill is that current models give you many entertainment options that you won’t find on a Treadclimber or elliptical.

For example, how about a built-in web browser so you can surf the net while walking?

How about a desktop option so you can work on your computer on the go? Or even a built-in TV so you can watch your favorite shows while working out?

If you want to add some pleasure to your workout, a treadmill gives you many great options.

One of the downsides to a treadmill is that there aren’t many options for working your arms (unless you want to invest in some hand weights and pump as you walk).

# 3 elliptical trainer

Elliptical trainers mimic your running stride without much jarring impact. Also, they usually have movable arm bars that will work the upper body.

So you get a great “total” body workout. You can also move forward and backward to work different leg muscles.

Like treadmills, you get a variety of options at many different prices. In addition, the entertainment options, while not as diverse as on a treadmill, improve every year.

You can get iPod docking elliptical trainers, speakers, built-in fans, and different workout programs.

The downside to these machines is that they can be a bit awkward to get used to. Also, you need to make sure you get the correct stride length.

A shorter strider (like on a cheap elliptical) will feel extremely uncomfortable and might even give you that jerky start-stop motion that a lot of people (rightly) can’t stand.

Here are some of the main differences between a treadmill, a treadclimber, and an elliptical.

Regardless of what you choose to do, remember to take your time and research all of your options so that you can be sure that you are getting the most for your money.


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