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Types of computers on the market

Computer types

There are a number of computer options to choose from in today’s computer and technology marketplace. Computers today come in many different sizes and styles. Today’s computers are made in a way that they accommodate people with different needs and requirements. Apart from the initial desktop and laptop computers, there are other types of computers available in the market. Netbook and tablet PC computers are now available, and various people are using them for different purposes.

netbook pc

Netbooks are similar to small laptops and are primarily designed for travel. They are smaller and lighter compared to standard laptops. Netbook computers do not have built-in DVD or CD drives, and their storage space is less. Netbooks require less computing power and are relatively cheap. Netbooks perform basic computing activities, such as word processing and Internet browsing.


As for laptops, they are only designed to be placed on a person’s lap. What distinguishes a laptop from a desktop is size, build, and mobility. Although laptops are mobile devices, they are not designed for travel. However, laptops are more convenient than desktop computers.

Tablet PCs and convertible laptops

A tablet is a compact, single-screen device. Instead of using the traditional keyboard on desktop PC tablets and laptops, use a stylus or tap with your finger. General uses for tablets are playing media, sending emails, reading, among other uses. The tablets come in two designs, namely convertible tablets and slate tablets. On the other hand, a convertible laptop is similar to a tablet. The convertible laptop keyboard can be folded down to form a touchscreen tablet. Allows the use of a stylus or touch screen.

desktop vs laptop

A desktop computer mostly stays in one position. The size and components of a desktop computer do not allow it to be moved easily. However, the system of a desktop PC is stronger and more powerful than that of a laptop. Laptops are mobile and more convenient than desktop computers, but upgrading laptop hardware is next to impossible.

Laptops vs. Tablets

The main advantage of a tablet over a laptop is weight. Tablets are lightweight and you can use them while you walk, unlike laptops that require you to sit down while working on them. Tablets are useful when you are in a conference, as they can be placed. In today’s computer market, there are portable tablets that are basic tablets but have a keyboard and mouse attached. You can use them vertically as a traditional-style laptop or use them as a tablet.


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