We know how the tech is done.


Use the Internet as a tool to sell and win customers

Before creating my website, I owned retail, wholesale, and manufacturing businesses. I also worked for many years as a salesperson in many different fields selling products and services knocking on doors, selling over the phone and sending faxes, and more. Before the Internet, I worked in the trenches learning the secrets of effective selling.

I’ve learned a few things over the years and now I’m going to share with you my top secrets on how to create more customers without ads. Here is a tip you can use starting today:

You Must Start Using the Internet to Sell and Generate Leads

I generate a great business online. I have taught 100% online and worldwide to over 50,000 students. My website is listed in the top 1% of the most visited websites in the world. I get an average of 1,000 different visitors to my site every day.

I have also worked as a coach and advisor to other famous marketing consultants. I use my website to educate my prospects on why they should buy the products and services that I have available. And I’ve done all of this using audio interviews.

And regardless of what business you’re in, you should be doing the same.

I make a very good living using this audio interview delivery system that literally works on autopilot. I’m not spending valuable time on the phone answering the same questions to unqualified prospects. I don’t have to deal with rude customers.

I then make these audio recordings available as free downloads from my website and give them away as completely free audio CDs. So the next time you think about doing business, consider taking audio interviews with experts your customers would like to hear about and giving them away for free.

You will be a hero and your customers will thank you with their money.


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