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What are some of the classic Hollywood movies?

It’s great to see new movies, the special effects they include and the actors of today that we all know. However, sometimes it’s even better to go back in time and enjoy one of the great classic Hollywood movies. Actors like Cary Grant and Robert Redford, and actresses like Marilyn Monroe and Kathryn Hepburn, offer a level of entertainment that is second to none.

All fans of classic Hollywood movies have their favorite genre. Some fans are hopeless romantics and like movies like Casablanca or The Way We Were. Others like old-fashioned John Wayne westerns. Many love horror movies like Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds. Today’s kids are sure to enjoy the classic children’s movie The Wizard of Oz. Classic movies have something to offer anyone.

To enjoy classic Hollywood movies, you need to know a few things as old movies are different from today’s movies. First of all, be patient. The action won’t be as fast as a newer movie. So it was back then; enjoy the break!

Some special effects may seem a bit cheesy. Filmmakers didn’t have the same technology to work with as filmmakers today. Also, many black and white films have had a “colorized” effect added. You can better enjoy the original black and white classic film.

Obviously, things are very different now than they were fifty years (or more) ago. You can watch movies that offend you politically or personally. Racial prejudice, segregation, and even slavery are included in many classic Hollywood movies as an accepted way of life. Also, the women’s liberation movement hadn’t even started. It may seem like a lot of the male characters command the female characters. Just try to remember that that was the accepted way back then, and be thankful for the progress we’ve made.

On the other hand, there are some really great things about classic movies. Chivalry is displayed in all its splendor. Profanity is kept to a minimum or, in some cases, non-existent. Some classic movies are violent, but the violence is important to the story and it’s not gratuitous. The sex scenes are extremely tame compared to today’s movies. Thus, you will be able to enjoy classic cinema, in most cases, with your children, without fear of what they may see or hear.

Some people don’t like classic movies right away. If you fall into this category, you may not want to give up just yet. Try several different types of movies, from different genres or with different actors. You may find that there is a particular director whose movies you either like or dislike. Classic movies are definitely an acquired taste, and if you keep watching them, they are likely to become some of your favorites!


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