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What is HR payroll employee portal?

Whether your employees are looking to change their personal information or keep up with company policy changes, HR payroll employee portals provide the preferred method for several functions. It eliminates manual onboarding and improves employee engagement.

White-Evans says many questions she receives revolve around benefits, and an HR portal can help people find the answers they need quickly.

Employee Self-Service

HR payroll employee portals help employees manage personal and professional information on their own, avoiding the need for manual intervention by a manager. Employees can update their contact and emergency information, submit time-off requests or schedule changes and view their pay statements through the self-service portal.

This frees up HR staff to focus on more strategic tasks. Adding a FAQ section to the portal can also make it easier for employment news India to find answers to questions about insurance, leave policies and other common concerns. Many ESS platforms have communication channels where employees can message a representative directly for additional assistance. They can also upload documents for e-signatures.

Time & Attendance

Employees can access their direct deposit information, paycheck and tax withholding documents through the portal. They can also manage work-related information like their PTO balances and request time off.

HR staff can monitor and approve time entries, set up alerts for pending overtime and ensure compliance with state meal/break laws. They can also track performance and provide employees with real-time feedback.

White-Evans notes that it’s important to consider what your company wants its portal to accomplish before choosing software or a design partner. “It’s a waste of money and time to put something online that doesn’t meet customer needs,” she says. For instance, a portal should feature user-friendly navigation.


Providing employees with self-service functions can help reduce the burden on HR staff. A portal can answer common questions about benefits, schedules, and policies.

It can also provide resources like an employee directory and companywide employee training opportunities. Employees can check information instantly through their portal, increasing engagement and satisfaction.

It can also help structure and formalize rules that were previously communicated orally or through handbooks. For example, it can create an online system for employees to sign attendance sheets and submit vacation requests. This reduces manual processing time for HR, and it gives employees the feeling of control over their work. It can also help reduce errors and confusion.

Performance Tracking

Aside from being a tracking system for contact information, work time and tax filings, an HR payroll employee portal also offers performance tracking. This could include things like quizzes, surveys and opinion polls to keep employees engaged.

HR staff can push out important company information to employees through the portal and offer a platform for two-way communication with their teams. This is especially useful for remote workers who might never meet with a human resources rep face-to-face.

Putting these functions in place helps an HR department focus on the people side of your business and allows them to stay in the growth mindset. It also cuts out the tedious paperwork.

Finance Management

Having the capability to manage financials, HR and benefits information through the employee portal is a great way for employees to stay on top of what’s important to them. It also helps to keep them incentivized to perform well by allowing them to focus on the tasks they know are best suited for their skills and abilities.

For example, they can log in to the portal and send a ticket to their payroll accountant, fill out data for yearly tax clearance, request time off or settle travel expenses. Having this information at their fingertips reduces burden on HR staff and keeps everyone happy.

A good HR portal is designed with the employee in mind, with easy-to-use website-like navigation. It can also be optimized for mobile devices.


HR payroll employee portals offer a number of tools to increase communication in the workplace. Whether it’s sharing a password-protected pay slip, submitting a ticket to a payroll accountant, or logging in to submit business travel expenses.

ESS allows employees to request days off through the portal and keep track of case updates without having to call or email. This makes HR tasks less time-consuming for the team and helps to maintain compliance.

If there are any questions employees can’t find answers for on their own, a help desk feature lets them contact an HR representative directly. This also cuts down on time and resource costs for the company.


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