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What Needs to Be Replaced After Water Damage Restoration?

Replaced After Water Damage Restoration

When a flood, roof leak, or other water damage incident occurs, it can be difficult to decide what can and cannot be saved. Unfortunately, even some of the most beloved possessions might be beyond salvaging and need to be replaced. In many cases, it’s best to have a restoration/construction company evaluate items that may be salvageable before you try to get them back into shape yourself. The experts will be able to determine what is truly salvageable and can save you a lot of time, money and effort in the long run.

One of the most important things that will need to be replaced after a water damage event is any porous materials that have been saturated with standing water. These materials are a breeding ground for mold, bacteria and other pathogens that can cause serious health problems for anyone in the home. In addition, standing water can also lead to structural damage and other issues that will need to be repaired by a professional IICRC certified water mitigation expert.

Drywall, insulation and carpeting all absorb water that causes them to become unsalvageable in the long run. They may also be a safety hazard in your home, as they can contain dangerous chemicals and other substances that could pose health hazards. In most cases, it is recommended that these materials be removed from the home before the drying process can begin. This allows for a more efficient dry out of the home, which can prevent long term damage from occurring in the future.

What Needs to Be Replaced After Water Damage Restoration?

Depending on the type of water damage restoration and how much moisture was present, the drywall in walls and ceilings will likely need to be replaced. In some cases, this will be a complete replacement of the drywall down to the studs, while in others, it might be limited to a few feet around a problematic area where a water leak occurred. In either case, the drywall should be replaced as soon as possible to prevent mold and other damage from occurring in the future.

Any wood framing that has been contaminated by Category 1 or higher water damage should be replaced as well. This includes both rotting wood and wood that has developed mold and mildew issues.

If you’re dealing with severe water damage, it’s possible that you’ll need to replace all the flooring in your home. This is particularly common if the floors have been soaked in sewage, standing water or other hazardous substances. Wood floor boards and laminates can usually be refinished after water damage, but concrete and other hard surface flooring will likely need to be completely replaced.

In addition to replacing all damaged flooring, you’ll probably need to replace furniture and other possessions as well. Most furniture is unable to be saved after it’s been submerged in water, so it will need to be thrown out and replaced. This is especially true of upholstered furniture, which can develop mold and other pathogens on the upholstery and in the seams of the wood frame. Similarly, any stuffed toys or other items that children play with will need to be tossed out as they will almost certainly be permanently damaged by contact with the water and are likely to harbor pathogens such as mold.


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