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What should HOME represent to you?

It is often said that having a HOME, itself, is a central component of the so-called American Dream! However, this process is often somewhat stressful, because it is important to pay close attention to various factors, including: financial; Personal needings; to lease; wish list versus true needs; etc. The process should begin with personal priorities, needs, and perceptions, while realistically analyzing one’s financial possibilities. We’ve all heard the expression, A house is not a home but what this means and represents is often different for many people. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, it is prudent to be as prepared as possible.

1. Human; cicatrization; aid; heart head: If you’re not going to enjoy living in a particular house, don’t make it your home! Human considerations, such as the happiness of your family and yourself, must be constantly taken into account! Will it be a healing influence that propels you forward in a positive way? How will using your best emotional and logical components help you proceed wisely? By using this head/heart balance, you will avoid the often costly mistakes of overemphasizing one over the other!

two. Options; optimize; occupants: How will you use your house? Who might be the regular occupants and what are the specific needs of these individuals? What style of ownership could optimize your decision? What options are simply on your wish list, rather than true needs and priorities?

3. It makes you feel; motivates / motivating; significant; medium: Honestly assess your financial means and abilities, so that you avoid getting rich, but too stressed, etc. How would living somewhere really make you feel and why? What can successfully motivate you about home ownership? Why are these things motivating?

Four. Energize; Energy; emphasis; Excellence: Know and understand what serves your best interests, and seek genuine excellence, rather than just good enough. Wouldn’t you be better off living somewhere that energizes you and provides you with maximum energy on a regular basis? If you could put your emphasis where you will provide the most happiness and personal service, how might that affect your overall existence?

A wise consumer considers a potential HOME carefully, and look at the big picture and the overall impact on one’s life. Are you ready to become a better prepared homebuyer?


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