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What You Should Know About Cork Flooring

Traditionally seen on top of fancy and extravagant wine bottles, cork is not normally expected to look or feel under the toes. What is this amazing new innovation we are talking about? Cork flooring, of course! Read on to find out just how wonderfully impressive cork floors can be.

What are cork floors? Or more specifically, what is cork? Most sixth graders could probably tell you that cork is their teacher’s best friend when it comes to hanging birthday posters and calendars in their classroom. Most winemakers would tell you that cork is that cylindrical ball of wonder that keeps your precious concoction from fermenting and all your hard work going to waste. On the other hand, most flooring manufacturers would say that cork is one of the most durable, strong and environmentally friendly materials used in sustainable flooring available on the market to date. This unique sustainable flooring that is none other than ‘Cork Flooring’ will be the focus of our article today.

Referring to our initial question, let’s reiterate “What are cork floors?” This type of flooring is the increasingly popular choice among homeowners. Not only is it available in a wide variety of colors and patterns, but it also has a built-in quality with its internal airbags, which allow it to absorb and dissipate more energy than most types of flooring such as wood, concrete or tile. People who are confined for long hours in the kitchen, such as cooks, bakers, housewives (and housewives!) Love its cushioned, energy-absorbing surface, which makes it much more comfortable to stand for hours and hours instead of other flooring options for hours. Finished.

What is that incredible ingenuity that makes up the design of a cork flooring? This type of soil is produced from the bark of the cork oak. This type of tree grows in certain regions of the planet that have a lot of sunlight, little rain and high humidity. Since it is taken essentially from the bark of the tree, obtaining it does not cause any damage to the tree itself. The entire production process is ecologically sustainable, conserving the environmental emissions of oxygen from the trees in operation. It is almost a shame to miss the opportunity to use this eco-friendly material every day.

Surprisingly, as impressive as it may sound, a floor made of cork has many more great qualities to offer a discerning homeowner. One of its strong selling qualities is that cork flooring is naturally antimicrobial and hypoallergenic. Because it has this inherent ability to repel dust, this type of flooring also helps protect sensitive and allergy-prone individuals against allergies caused by dust and other allergens. It is also capable of naturally repelling mold and mildew. Suberin, a natural substance in the material, is the key element that prevents floors from rotting even when completely submerged in water for long periods of time.

Cork floors are also very effective in soundproofing a room in the home. Due to the millions of tiny cellular air pockets in cork, this flooring has the ability to act like cushions and is so soft that it can absorb sound and vibrations. This makes it not only a great option to use in the kitchen as mentioned above, but it also makes a wonderful flooring for entertainment rooms, music rooms, and sound booths. It is also a good option for condominiums as it reduces the transfer of noise between floors.

Cork is not only capable of absorbing noise, but cork flooring brings warmth to every room. It is naturally capable of protecting itself from the cold. Small air pockets reduce heat loss and even help retain it, which is certainly a very useful feature in cold environments.

Now, we could continue to discuss the many facets of cork flooring, but only to answer the question, “What is cork flooring?” it could lead to ever greater depths. There are too many beautiful and innovative aspects of this flooring material to limit ourselves to just one or two pages. We find perfection in nature and the creation of cork flooring by man from the resources of nature comes close to perfection in a flooring compared to the many types of natural flooring available on the market today.


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